For Immediate Release
( — 26, January, 2013) Los Angeles, CA – There is a new YouTube weight loss guru and her name is PrettyKeli. Her new ebook is designed to give women different tips and tricks on how to control food cravings, lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.
Our research shows that most people struggle with controlling food cravings so they turn to books which offer information only on how to use mental exercises to control food cravings. These books work for some people and cost anywhere from $50 to $100.
( via — 26, January, 2012) Los Angeles, CA — Her new ebook “How to control food cravings” includes drinks and foods that can help you control cravings. As wells as physical activities, mental exercises, alternative ways to eat, and things you should add and subtract from your life to avoid temptation. If that’s not amazing enough, she is offering this ebook for $9.99.
We suggest you purchase all of these wonderful tips at for only $9.99 for a limited time only. If you are ready to gain control over the power of food, conquer your cravings, and live a healthier lifestyle, this book is for you. The author is always available to answer any questions you may have as well as give any advice about your craving struggles.
This informative ebook is also available also on iTunes as well as amazon, google play, and everywhere ebooks are sold online. It’s an amazing tool to have with you on the go as you experience food temptations throughout your day. We know you will love it.
Research has shown a lot of people are addicted to food and most don’t realize the control food has over their lives until it’s too late. Poor diets are the main cause of many diseases that can be avoided and even reversed. People with this problem need to be educated on ways they can control food cravings and most of their health issues will go away.
At, you will find reviews from satisfied customers who have read the book. You will also be able to see a video of PrettyKeli’s weight loss results after using the book. So don’t struggle with food temptation anymore, get “How to control food cravings 100 ways to control unhealthy eating habits” and change your life today.