EdX announces they are now offering students a Data Sciences MicroMasters from the University of California San Diego. The course is available online from any location worldwide.
EdX has announced they are now offering a new MicroMasters program in Data Science from the University of California San Diego. The program will cover advanced topics regarding machine learning, probability and statistics sciences and coding.
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This latest announcement will help students interested in computer and data sciences access high-quality teaching materials on the subject. The course is offered at an affordable price and students can take the class from any location.
EdX is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing students with online courses on a variety of topics ranging from healthcare to design. Most programs available on the organization’s website are designed with employability in mind, equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to embark on a new career path.
Their new MicroMasters program in Data Science will enable students to pursue careers in a variety of fields related to the course. Students will learn skills like how to load and clean real-world data, how to make reliable statistical inferences, how to visualize complex data and more.
The MicroMasters is held over a 10-month period, with 9 to 10 teaching hours per week. The program’s modules are the equivalent of 4 graduate level classes.
The first module, called Python for Data Science, teaches students to use Python, an advanced coding language, to manipulate, analyze and visualize data. Students will deepen their understanding of the programming language in the next module, Probability and Statistics in Data Science using Python.
The next module, Machine Learning Fundamentals, teaches students about machine learning’s role in data-driven modeling, prediction and decision making. Finally, students can opt for Big Data Analytics Using Spark, which focuses on analyzing large datasets using Jupyter notebooks, MapReduce and Spark.
This release is in line with EdX’s commitment to providing students with high-quality and affordable academic courses online. The organization has also gained a strong reputation for its teaching materials and level of student care.
One former student said: “I have taken 2 courses from EdX. Both courses were well structured and covered what was outlined perfectly. These courses provide a good understanding of any subject.”
Interested parties can find out more about EdX or enroll in the University of California San Diego’s Data Science MicroMasters Program by visiting: https://tidd.ly/3evavam