(Newswire.net — December 1, 2013) Lake Geneva, WI —
Costa Rican Medical Care, Inc., a medical and dental tourism company, announces it will begin its seventh year of operation in December. Helping U. S. and Canadian medical and dental patients find quality, affordable care from Costa Rican providers, the company offers coordination between patient and doctor to provide a supportive and informed medical tourism experience.
“Seven years ago when we were starting to build our team for Costa Rican Medical Care, we knew our mission was to provide a patient-centered service, just as our chosen providers do. Many people have never traveled outside the
“We have seen an influx of medical tourism providers in recent months, yet many of these new providers involved don’t really understand the “medical tourism market”. Some are offering “free airfare” or “cash back”. Since most pricing on medical and dental services is fairly standard amongst internationally accredited providers, some facilitators will mark up prices to give clients this “deal”. Whether it is a dental or a medical treatment, you should never buy on price. Reputable providers will offer you quality care and accredited facilities. Save money on that flat screen TV, not your dental or medical procedures. Your choice of providers could cost you more in the long run. And with our company, you have all the assistance you need at the same price the doctor or dentist would charge you directly.”
With the Affordable Healthcare system in the U.S. not fully functional and the recent decision by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to cut Specialists pay by 50% and give General Practitioners a 30% pay cut over the next ten years, more doctors will be dropping out of the US insurance and Medicare system. A recent survey of over 1900 doctors by the Texas Medical Association found that 50% of them are considering opting out of Medicare if reimbursement rates are cut. Already 33% of those doctors were limiting the number of Medicare, patients they will see. This is happening in every state of the union. Now is the time to look for other options such as Costa Rican Medical Care to save and receive quality healthcare overseas.
Costa Rican Medical Care recently moved their operations to