A Lasting Power of Attorney guidance service has been launched aimed at families in the UK. The service from LPA Now is a cost-effective alternative option to speaking to an expensive solicitor.
A new Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) service has been launched aimed at families and individuals based across the UK. LPA Now explains the new cost-effective service aims to help people plan for the future so that if they find themselves in a situation where they lose the capacity to make decisions, their health, care, finances, property, and wishes are written down and acted upon.
Find out more at https://lpanow.com
The newly launched service for families and individuals is designed to give people a choice. The team at LPA Now understand how unnecessarily expensive it can be: to see a solicitor for a similar service, which is why their service focuses on being cost-effective yet efficient. Further details about getting an LPA can be viewed at https://lpanow.com/lasting-power-attorney-guidance.
It was when founder, Malcolm Roberts, began acting as an attorney for his own mother, that he understood first-hand, how vital it was to have an LPA in place. He realised that his existing document signing business, Beechwood, had everything needed to help more people benefit: as he and his mother have, LPA Now was created as a subsidiary, with the existing network of document signing specialists available nationwide.
LPA Now says no-one should be put off from getting an LPA due to the cost as it has the potential to protect them and their families later in life. The team explain that creating an LPA involves making crucial decisions about the future.
They acknowledge that it may take months or even years before the decisions have to be called upon. However, they say that these decisions should be thoroughly considered and weighed up carefully before a person’s capacity is compromised or impaired. LPA Now understands that the thought of losing capacity is not pleasant, but it is better to have a plan in place than wait until a plan is necessary.
Getting advice before starting what can feel like an overwhelming process is worthwhile say the team, as one in seven of all LPA applications is considered imperfect for registration. The team are trained to advise people on the LPA process and explain how the Office of the Public Guardians (OPG) registration works too.
A reviewer wrote: “LPA Now provided clear advice on the LPA process and provided solutions to potential problems – they were really helpful. The fees were reasonable too, I will definitely recommend them.”
To find out more, interested parties are invited to visit the links provided. Alternatively, details about speaking to someone over the phone can be viewed at https://lpanow.com/lasting-power-attorney-guidance/over-the-phone-lpa.