Cyber-Crime Prevention

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( — May 13, 2016) —

For Immediate Press Release

Erik Wennerström, the Director-General, National Council for Crime Prevention, Stockholm, Sweden participates in “Risk Roundup with Jayshree Pandya” to discuss “How to Prevent Cyber-Crime”.

 Erik heads the National Council for Crime Prevention, Stockholm, Sweden, a government agency serving as a Center for Research, Development and Statistics within the Judicial System. He is the former Chairman of Government Inquiry on Cyber Security and has a background with the Swedish Ministry for Justice, the European Commission and the Folke Bernadotte Academy of Sweden. He is an experienced lawyer, legal scholar, civil servant and former diplomat. He has served as a member of several international and national expert committees and investigations, within the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. He holds board positions in several research, legal and criminological entities and is an author of several publications on the rule of law, political and legal risk assessments, cybercrime, and cyber security.   May 12, 2016 Risk Group, an independent and integrated “Cyber-Security and Strategic Security Risk Research Organization” for Nations: its Governments, Industries, Organizations and Academia (NGIOA) in Cyberspace, Geospace and Space (CGS) today announced the participation of Erik Wennerström, the Director-General, National Council for Crime Prevention, Stockholm, Sweden in “Risk Roundup with Jayshree Pandya” to discuss “How to Prevent Cyber-Crime”. Erik heads the National Council for Crime Prevention, Stockholm, Sweden, a government agency serving as a Center for Research, Development and Statistics within the Judicial System. He is the former Chairman of Government Inquiry on Cyber Security and has a background with the Swedish Ministry for Justice, the European Commission and the Folke Bernadotte Academy of Sweden. He is an experienced lawyer, legal scholar, civil servant and former diplomat. He has served as a member of several international and national expert committees and investigations, within the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. He holds board positions in several research, legal and criminological entities and is an author of several publications on the rule of law, political and legal risk assessments, cybercrime, and cyber security. This episode of Risk Roundup focused on a dialogue about “How to Prevent Cyber-Crimes”. Erik Wennerström provided very thoughtful suggestions as to how individuals as well as entities across nations: its government, industries, organizations and academia (NGIOA) prevent Cyber-Crimes. Risk Roundup: video/audio podcasts are available in both video and audio platforms on YouTubeiTunesAndroid, Google PlayStitcher RadioRisk Group, professional social media and Risk Group networks. About Risk Group Risk Group believes that risk management, security and peace walk together hand in hand. Though security is related to management of threats and peace to the management of conflict, risk management is related to management of security vulnerabilities as well as management of conflict, and it is not possible to conceive any one of the three without the existence of the other two. All three concepts feed into each other. Risk Group believes that the security we build for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for everyone across nations. Tradition becomes our security-so if we build a culture of managing risks effectively it will lead us to security and security will lead us to peace! About the Host of Risk Roundup Jayshree Pandya (née Bhatt) is a visionary leader, who is working passionately with imagination, insight and boldness to achieve Global Peace through Risk Management. It is her strong belief that collaboration between and across nations: its government, industries, organizations and academia (NGIOA) will be mutually beneficial to all—for not only in the identification and understanding of critical risks facing one nation, but also for managing the interconnected and interdependent risks facing all nations. She calls on nations to build a shared sense of identity and purpose, for how the NGIOA framework is structured will determine the survival and success of nations in the digital global age. She sees the big picture, thinks strategically and works with the power of intentionality and alignment for a higher purpose—for her eyes are not just on the near at hand but on the future of humanity! At Risk Group, Jayshree is defining the language of risks and currently developing thought leadership, researching needed practices, tools, framework and systems to manage Strategic and Shared Risks facing nations in a Global Age. She believes that Cyberspace cannot be secured if NGIOA works in silo within and across its geographical boundaries. As Cyber-security requires an integrated NGIOA approach with a common language, she has recently launched Cyber-Security Risk Research Center that will merge the boundaries of Geo-Security, Cyber-Security and Space-Security. Previously, she launched and managed Risk Management Matters, an online Risk Journal and one of the first Risk Publications, publishing Industry Risk Reports of Biotechnology, Energy, Healthcare, Nanotechnology, and Natural Disasters over the course of five years. Jayshree’s inaugural book, The Global Age: NGIOA @ Risk, was published by Springer in 2012. About Risk Roundup Risk Roundup is an Integrated Strategic Security Risk Dialogue for nations: its government, industries, organizations and academia (NGIOA) in cyberspace, geospace and space (CGS). Podcast host Jayshree Pandya PhD says, “Risk Roundup Podcast” provides valuable service to each individual and every entity across nations: its government, industries, organizations and academia (NGIOA) in cyberspace, geospace and space by creating awareness of the critical security risks. As Risk Group takes a step forward in managing the critical security risks facing NGIOA in CGS, she hopes that Risk Group’s Risk Research Centers and Risk Roundup dialogues with key NGIOA decision makers continue providing value towards Security. Risk Roundup is released in both audio and video format and is available for subscription at (Risk Group Website, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, Android, and Risk Group Professional Social Media).

Contact Jayshree Pandya PhD @ info at Founder:   Risk Group Cyber-Security Risk Research Centre Strategic Security Risk Research Center Author of the book: The Global Age: NGIOA @ Risk published by Springer. Strategic Security Risk Advisor Host:          Risk Roundup (Video/Audio Podcast focusing on critical security risks facing  nations: its governments, industries, organizations and academia (NGIOA) in   cyberspace-geospace and space (CGS). Areas of discussion includes: Global Risks, Country Risks, Industry Risk, Technology Risk, Cyber-Security Risks, and Strategic Security Risks.)