Education leadership coach Daniel Bauer of Better Leaders Better Schools has launched “Bollingen Tower”, a school leadership experience for principals, school owners, and educators. The event is scheduled for the 9th through the 11th of July, 2020 in Taos, NM.
Education leadership coach Daniel Bauer of Better Leaders Better Schools announced the launch of an education leadership event for school administrators. Named after psychiatrist Carl Jung’s home, the Bollingen Tower event is scheduled for the 9th through the 11th of July, 2020 at the El Monte Sagrado resort in Taos, NM.
More information about Better Leaders Better Schools is available at
Daniel Bauer will lead 50 school leaders from across the nation through a transformational off-site coaching experience. The event gives school administrators, school owners, and educators the opportunity to unplug from social media, technology, and the daily grind to focus on community building.
Bollingen Tower will include a vision-building exercise titled Vivid Vision. Vivid Vision helps educators and professionals in the field of education build a 3-year roadmap for their personal, family, and organizational life. The event will include short inspirational talks, networking opportunities with world-class leaders in education, and the opportunity to unwind and redevelop personal deep focus.
Leaders interested in attending can learn more and register here
The education coaching event in Taos, NM is priced at $900 that includes a 2-night stay at the El Monte Sagrado resort, six gourmet meals, event tickets, and all Bollingen Tower conference materials.
The Bollingen Tower education leadership event covers leadership development in schools, goal setting and achievement, and soul enrichment through unplugging. Mastermind sessions with Daniel Bauer help principals, members of school boards, teachers, and professors actively map their institution’s path to excellence.
According to a spokesperson for Daniel Bauer and Better Leaders Better Schools, “Elite performers stand out from the rest in several ways. One of the most important — they are able to avoid the noise and distractions to focus on what is most important. Bollingen Tower is an event where education professionals can invest in rest and renewal of energy.”
Better Leaders Better Schools was founded by Daniel Bauer, a school leadership consultant, and coach. Bauer hosts a school leadership podcast, blogs, and a private leadership community.
For leaders unable to attend this live event, Daniel welcomes applications to his leadership community, The Mastermind, at
For more information about the Bollingen Tower school leadership event, visit the URLs above.