(Newswire.net — November 25, 2014) Mississauga, Ontario — For foreign investors, finding the right place to spend money and attempt economic growth can be difficult. Ontario, Canada, is emerging as a place that offers many benefits to foreign investors, who are increasingly finding the economic climate very favorable to growth.
Ontario is the most populous of all the provinces in Canada and offers a very diverse economy with trade, manufacturing and service industries in abundance. Further, Ontario offers a highly-skilled and well-educated workforce. Its proximity to the huge United States market makes it a prime location for any investor, but its friendliness to foreign investors is attracting attention among all world markets.
The Canadian government offers resources and information for foreign investors on its webpage http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/business/OI_HOW_BUSINESS_INVEST.html.
Ontario, and particularly Toronto, has long been recognized as a leader in attracting both foreign and domestic business investments. According to Sandra Pupatello, Minister of Economic Development and Trade, the types of investments and not just the number of investments are what puts Ontario at the top of countries being considered by foreign investors. The country is not interested in creating low-wage, dead-end jobs; therefore, they make the climate favorable for high-tech and high-value jobs that attract solid investors. For more information, see http://www.mri.gov.on.ca/obr/2012/05/foreign-direct-investment-ontarios-not-so-secret-appeal/.
Darcy Schanck, from Darcy Schanck Financial, is releasing a new book on the topic of finance in Canada to be published in time for the 2014 December Holiday season, entitled “Bankers Never Die, They Just Lose Interest”. Mr. Schanck says, “Ontario is now being spotlighted in many foreign countries as the place in which to invest capital funds. The strong economy, ready work force and easy financing available from Canadian sources all combine to make this province, and country, a very favorable one for foreign investors. Furthermore, the Ontario government prides itself on regulations that are designed to be particularly attractive to investors from around the world.”
About Darcy Schanck: Darcy Schanck has been an independent financial consultant for more than 25 years and specializes in mortgage and commercial financing. With the expertise gained by many years in the field of investing, Mr. Schanck, who is the president and CEO of Darcy Schanck Financial, offers investors solid advice on making sound financial decisions, particularly in relation to Canadian investment opportunities.