Dean Sports Consultants Publishes Stretch Guide For Surfers

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( — December 10, 2013) Costa Mesa, California — Dean Sports Consultants, located on the web at in the premiere location for surf fitness in Orange County.  With special attention to surfers’ particular needs, DSC provides surfing exercises for Orange County surfers who are serious about their sport.  Besides providing the best surf workout in Orange County, DSC also provides the right way to train for surfing with superior techniques that protect the body.


Along with a great surfing workout in Orange County, DSC provides information for surfers that they can use anywhere to limber up and keep their bodies in shape for the strenuous activities in which they engage.  This surf training helps surfers, like other athletes, prevent injury and stay healthy during a workout.


The typical surfer workout in Orange County includes a great deal of stretching.  With the right surf exercises, these surfing workouts can build muscle and endurance and create a body that is perfect for the demands of surfing.  Surfing fitness in Orange County is attainable with help from DSC.


In order to help surfers understand how important stretching is as part of the basic surfer workout, DSC has published a “Stretch Guide for Surfers” on its website.  According to the Stretch Guide, there are eight basic stretches that are crucial for those who are engaged in surfing as a hobby or sport in order to avoid injury and loosen muscles:


Hamstring/Calf Stretch

Hip/Hamstring Complex

Lat/Mid to Lower Back/Hip Connection

Quad/Hip Complex

Inner Thigh/Hip



Lat/Shoulder/Upper Back


Each stretch should last between 30 and 60 seconds and should take place at least once a day, preferably at the same time every day to make it a routine.  These stretches should not only be done when “tight” but every day to develop the right muscle strength and tone.


According to the Stretch Guide, “These eight essential stretches can help keep away pain that settles in the neck, back, knees, shoulders, and other joints. Flexibility can create a world of difference in your surfing.”

About DSC:  Dean Sports Consultants provides therapy and training for surfers and other athletes in the Orange County area.

For More Information:



Dean Sports Consultants

1635 Superior Avenue, Suite 5
Costa Mesa, California 92626
