Denver Pain Management Clinic Is Helping Patients Live Normal Lives

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( — July 22, 2013) Denver, CO — Chiropractor Dr. Joel Cherdack of the Denver Pain Management Clinic says so many of his patients are returning to greater mobility and comfort. “Our doctors use techniques that help to treat chronic back and neck pain in so many of our patients. As you know, the majority of Americans will experience some form of back pain during their lifetime. We are dedicated to helping to ease and in many cases end the suffering back pain causes. Severe back pain can immobilize the most active and vibrant of people. Moving from an active lifestyle to a sedentary existence can also cause depression and impact a person’s sense of purpose.” 

Meanwhile, research and statistics support Dr. Cherdack, saying most Americans will encounter back pain. Research shows that back and neck pains costs the U.S. 100-billion dollars per year for treatment and related medical problems. The cause of the massive increase in costs associated with lower back pain is uncertain, but commonly suspected causes include obesity and general increases in body weight across the population. 

Cherdack says accidents are among the chief causes of back pain. “Slips and falls, heavy lifting and twisting pressure on the back are common causes of back pain. But poor muscle tone, excess weight, poor posture, degenerating bones and disks can also cause injury and lower back pain.” He goes on to urge anyone with back pain to seek treatment immediately, “The bottom line is the longer you wait the more pain you’re going to endure. We can usually start providing our patients with relief from their pain in just a few treatments.”

Cherdack says his team of skilled physicians has the experience and education necessary to help their patients. “Our physicians take considerable experience into account when working to identify the cause of your pain.  Common causes take time to diagnose and commonly include strains and sprains, disk-related pain, arthritis, fractured vertebrae and more. The most important thing is to get into our offices immediately to help prevent further aggravating an existing injury. It’s pretty common for moderate damage to escalate to a severe state, and cause permanent pain if the condition is not treated promptly and properly.”

Neck pain is another problem, which the majority of Americans will have to endure. Dr. Cherdack says neck pain is very common. “Most of us can expect that at one time or another, we too will experience it. If you experience neck pain, unfortunately there is a 50-to-80-percent chance you will experience it again. Occupational injuries and chronic stress are the most common causes of neck pain.  Occupations which are athletic, writing based or involve long periods of neck strain can cause problems or make an existing problem worse.” 


Written by: Rob Armijo