(Newswire.net — March 27, 2014) Vancouver , BC — Last month local Vancouver news featured a story on illegal dumping of debris on farmland. Many of the farmers were upset that owners of farmland that was not being used for farming were accepting fees for illegal dumping that result in destroyed farm lands.
In the article, Delta councillor Ian Paton said, “At the construction sites in Vancouver, where they’re digging out to put in a parkade or something like that, nobody knows what’s in there. It could be rock, concrete, debris, angle iron, concrete, all kinds of crap.”
Apex Equipment Rentals & Sales Ltd President, Dennis Wager, believes that if more demolition and construction companies used a product like Dexpan, not only would they be able to re-use the debris after demolition, but they could also sell it and have another revenue stream.
“When you use Dexpan, many of the rocks left can be re-used for landscaping or retaining walls or other decorative elements,” said Mr. Wager. “Dumping debris is so 20th century! We are all about re-use, recycle and revenues!”
Mr. Wager continued to share, “Over the past decade, the demolition and recycling industries have done nothing but recycle demolition and construction waste… more so than anything else. Here it is crushed and used… for road base gravel and some of the more progressive [places] are even [having a percentage going back] into new gravel.”
Craig O’Casey, from Supreme Concrete Cutting in Edmonton, said, “[Using a demotion alternative like Dexpan is] like having a night shift that keeps on working, even after your guys go home.”
Selected as the major distributor of Dexpan in Canada in 2000, Apex Equipment Rentals & Sales Ltd is located in Greater Vancouver. Dexpan is a powder that, when mixed with water, expands and creates enough pressure to break rock and concrete in a matter of hours. The resulting rock or concrete chunks are small enough to be easily hauled away. Dexpan is excellent for mass concrete removal, boulders, bedrock, granite rock and lava rock. It provides a safe alternative solution in projects involving concrete repair or demolition, and in rock blasting and removal.
Other advantages are that is works silently and safely, it’s easy to use, ideal for sensitive areas, efficient and cost-effective. Also, all the debris can be easily removed and re-used as retaining walls or decorative elements later!
For more information visit www.dexpan.ca.
Gratitude to The Vancouver 24 for this news story.
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