(Newswire.net — March 15, 2013) Santa Fe, NM — Acting as a connection between an individual being and the divine, the crown chakra in most people is in need of some healing. When balanced appropriately, the crown chakra, which is located a few inches above the head, helps an individual realize that worry, fear, and other negative emotions are not only fruitless, but in fact aren’t real. Unfortunately, just by looking at the surroundings, people, news, magazines, conversations, it is easy to see that a culture of fear is sweeping the nation.
For example, the current issue of gun control is spinning out of control because people are allowing fear, rather than their higher being, control their thoughts and actions. This country will never progress and will never stop seeing countless acts of gun violence until citizens stop reacting with fear. An enlightened crown chakra reveals that the solution to the gun dilemma is not to add more guns to an already chaotic situation, but to instead look fear in the eye and recognize it for what it is – an invented feeling, a human reaction that can and should be overcome. Guns are purchased and used because fear is being allowed to rule the mind. Once fear is overcome, the need for a gun will no longer exist.
According to yoga instructor and author Julie Schoen one of the best ways to overcome fear is to heal the crown chakra. “When the crown chakra is balanced,” explains Schoen, “fear subsides because it becomes clear that everything, everyone is being taken care of by the divine. It is a blissful awakening, one that has the potential to end struggle, violence, and war.”
And the healing starts at an individual level. “We are all responsible for our own mental clarity. The only way we can help others is to help ourselves,” she says.
In Schoen’s book, Chakra Meditation: A Down To Earth Guide For Healing Chakras and Balancing Chakras, she discusses the many dangers of allowing not just the crown chakra but all chakras (there are seven) to get out of balance and discusses how using the power of a well-working chakra system can transform a person’s life. Although there are many natural methods for working with balancing chakras, Schoen believes that one of the most effective is meditation.
“Meditation can be done anywhere and by anyone,” says Schoen, “which is why it is the perfect tool for healing both the body and mind. If more people were to take the time to meditate, the world would be an incredible place.”
So perhaps the best solution, or possibly the only solution, to ending the culture of fear that is ripping through our nation is to heal individuals, one at a time. To learn more about healing the crown chakra and balancing all chakras pick up Schoen’s book, Chakra Meditation, on Amazon this weekend – the eBook will be given away free of charge.
In the words of the Dalai Lama, “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”
For more information, contact:
Julie Schoen
Little Pearl Publishing
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