Distance Chronic Pain Relief for People and Animals By Healing Intentions Launched

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(Newswire.net — October 20, 2019) — Healing Intentions has launched distant healing sessions for fast relief from all types of pain. A month-long healing program for people and animals with a free gift is available.

Healing Intentions announces the launch of their Quantum-Touch energy healing pain relief method. This method heals all kinds of pain for both people and animals.

For more information visit their website at https://www.Healing-Intentions.com/benefits

Healing Intentions offers their quantum healing by distance. This healing through quantum energy usually works when other healing methods fail, getting to the root of the problem and not masking symptoms. People from all over the world can be healed without traveling as distance does not matter in energy medicine.

Many people of all ages and backgrounds suffer from chronic pain. Sometimes the cause of this pain is unknown. People spend much time and money trying to get help, and then get discouraged when they are told that their pain is imaginary or incurable. Other times, common known conditions such as arthritis can be blamed for prolonged and severe pain.

Living with constant and debilitating pain can affect the quality of a person’s life. This can lead to other psychological and physiological disorders. Quantum-Touch healing practitioner Heidi Hash, uses the subtle life force energy called Prana or Chi. This quantum energy is positively amplified, and the new higher vibrational energy is offered to the client’s body to heal itself with.

Energy vibrations can also be enhanced with the use of Quantum Touch pendants, wristbands, and healing cards. Heidi often incorporates the use of appropriate healing crystals in her sessions, too, to amplify the energy even more. In addition to individual distance healing sessions, she also offers group sessions.

She is able to perform whole-body healing or go into specific parts or organs, with her visualization and intention. While photographs of the client are not required, appropriate pictures can be sent to her to help guide the energy. It is also not required but advantageous if the client is in a relaxed and restful state during the session. However, energy healing will still work if the client is busy at work or asleep.

Healing Intentions is now offering a month-long healing program and a free gift for those who sign up.

For more information visit their website above.