Michael Mohoric launched Qigong energy distant healing services for balancing chakras, clearing energy blockages, overcoming illnesses and pain, and becoming more creative and intuitive.
Qigong Energy Healing launched updated distant healing services for clients all over the world who would like to improve their health and well-being. Qigong healing can help overcome stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, addictions, chronic pain and illnesses.
More information is available at https://www.qigongenergyhealing.com
The newly announced service helps the body to release its innate healing ability by correcting energetic imbalances in the person’s bio-field.
Qigong is a Chinese word that means “energy work”. This healing method has been used for centuries for a wide range of health conditions. It focuses on cultivating and balancing qi, or life energy. This holistic approach is based on the belief that when the energy of the body is balanced and moving correctly, the body’s natural energy heals itself.
Michael Mohoric, a Qigong healer with almost 30 years of experience, has a gift to do distant healing sessions for many people in different locations simultaneously. Clients all over the world can take part in this global healing service from the comfort of their home.
According to Michael Mohoric, even one session can provide excellent results, and multiple sessions can get to deep-seated core issues.
Working on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, Qigong healing clears out energy blockages, balances chakras and acupuncture meridians to bring harmony to the entire body. It helps people alleviate illness and transform their life. Clearing the energy field can also help people to become more intuitive, creative, and aware.
Michael Mohoric has studied a variety of alternative healing systems for over 30 years. He started studying Qigong in 1994 and was taught by the Tibetan Qigong Master Zi Sheng Wang. Michael also offers distant pet healing and balancing and harmonizing the energy in people’s homes with distant Energetic Feng Shui.
“Although healing happens for groups of people, each person gets individual attention for their specific issues and concerns,” said Michael Mohoric. “The universal energy is intelligent and knows best how to work with each person individually. All healing is self-healing.”
Interested parties can find more information by visiting https://www.qigongenergyhealing.com