(Newswire.net — December 27, 2013) Merrick, NY —
Convenience, convenience, convenience seems to be the theme of the 21st century in the way that the public buys its products. Is medical supply one of those products that serves this well? Most recently, there was an article in Digital Journal about companies like mediPX, LLC that are offering online medical and surgical supplies online.
Perhaps there are some products that are repeat buys that can be bought from time to time this way, but when it comes to serious guidance and advice on what to buy when it comes to your health and well being, or for your loved ones, is online the way to go? Clearly not. Medical supplies that are being shopped for specific medical reasons, whether it be for hospital or surgery recovery or equipment that must fit an infirmed or aged loved one, a consultant or knowledgeable salesperson that can give you guidance in what to buy and why, is vital. Merrick Surgical Supply is in Nassau County, Long Island, New York, and is a family owned business that caters to its communities where families and hospitals have come to rely upon them for their custom advice.
These boutique operations are rare to say the least, however well needed and appreciated by their local communities. Proprietors of Merrick Surgical, Leo and Andra Levine, built their business in centrally located Merrick, Long Island, and moved into a larger storefront as their business grew. They have always valued their role as a provider of trusted information to their clients but as important is the extra yard and service that they give to each and everyone that walks in. Curbside assistance and greeting by the owners is commonplace at Merrick Surgical that makes them so special. Online selling for what they provide does not exist. Personal with a level of reliability is what most clients need and want. Fitting clients with the right size or tension requires the physical presence of a good salesperson. On the spot answers to questions that are on the minds of these clients is also invaluable.
The digital age of convenient buying is definitely here to stay, but thank goodness for those businesses and industries like Merrick that will always know their place and importance in our lives.
For more information in Nassau County about medical and surgical supplies and service, contact: www.merricksurgical.com (516) 378-0119 139 Merrick Ave. Merrick, NY 11566
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