Doctors Now Strongly Warn Against the Dangerous Effects of High LDL

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( — January 15, 2021) Orlando, FL — Scientists have long been warning against the dangers of having high LDL cholesterol levels. There are factors found to influence cholesterol levels, and it includes diet.

According to experts, individuals with heart disease or even those who don’t have the condition are strongly advised to regulate their levels of cholesterol. 

High LDL levels have been found to accumulate in the blood vessel walls, where it produce blockages. It is important to be warned that high LDL can significantly increase heart attack risk, which could turn fatal.

Having the right diet has long been found significantly helpful in managing cholesterol levels. According to experts, different foods actually have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in different ways. 

Beans are highly recommended as they are rich in fiber. Experts recommend increased consumption of garbanzos, lentils, kidney beans, and black-eye peas. Nuts have also been scientifically found to be good for the heart. 

Eating 2 ounces of nuts like walnuts, almonds, or peanuts may slightly reduce LDL. Other highly recommended foods are eggplant, okra, oats, and barley. 

Reducing LDL levels and enhancing HDL could produce some positive benefits to health. This is why experts also recommend reducing or avoiding intake of certain foods that could cause levels of LDL to skyrocket.

Consumers can take some helpful measures in reducing oxidative stress, and one is through the use of grape seed extract.

Studies have shown that grape seed extract works in reducing LDL oxidation, which is usually triggered by high-fat diets.

Scientists have long been recommending the use of grape seed extract for various medicinal purposes. This is why it is highly recommended for individuals who want to increase their protection against various diseases and disorders. 

A study has shown that when eight healthy people ate a high-fat meal, a dose of 300 mg of grape seed extract was able to inhibit the oxidation of fats in the blood. This impressive result was compared to a 150 percent increase seen in those who did not take grape seed extract.

Another research study was carried out and it involved 61 healthy adults. It has been found that intake of 400 mg of grape seed extract reduced oxidized LDL by 13.9 percent. 

Multiple research studies have actually shown that this natural healing ingredient may be useful against heart disease. It can be obtained via supplementation, such as the use of Purest Vantage Resveratrol.

This amazing formula doesn’t just contain grape seed, but also acai, green tea, and red wine. It is also protected with a money back guarantee (


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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