(Newswire.net — December 24, 2013) Las Vegas, NV — The Dudley Media Group captured the attention of the sexy Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Star, when they published a recent article titled “Norman Reedus, How We Love Thee” and asking the question ~ Norman Reedus, why are you so sexy? He has definitely still got that sought after sex appeal after being recently seen with a voluptuous bombshell half his age. The gorgeous couple was seen together during the recent Z100 Jingle Ball that was presented by Aeropostale in New York City where they were seen strolling hand in hand. Norman Reedus looked so sexy walking along with the beautiful young catwalk star Cecilia Singley, even posting pics that Cecilia commented on saying “I think they’re cute!” with a little giggle.
The world will be watching the sexy star of the AMC hit show “The Walking Dead” over the next few months during the mid season break to see if his remark from October “I’m so single” will still hold true in February 2014 after the mid season break is over. Watch out Norman Reedus, because if in fact you are still, so single, after the mid season break there will be many beautiful girls lining up to try to change that status! Becca Rose, the writer of the Dudley Media Group article was very clear about the secret of Norman Reedus’ sexiness! She stated in the Dec. 19, 2013 article, “This writer has found the ultimate secret to Reedus’ sexiness, his personality. I have had the absolute pleasure of meeting the actor and baring witness to his unbelievably gratefulness towards his fans and how cordial he is towards everyone he meets. He is a true gentleman to his fans and that makes him all the more attractive and loveable. Thank you Norman for being so damn sexy and for being even more appreciative to your loving fans!”
Who would think a show about zombies could be sexy? Well Norman Reedus easily mingled sex and zombies just by starring in the show, because since his debut in the first season the hit AMC series has “Walking Dead Fan Girls” swooning for the sexy star. Norman Reedus easily turned the bad ass character of a hillbilly with little patience that very few people could like, into a woman magnet role as soon as he wielded his famous cross bow! The character of Daryl Dixon, a zombie apocalypse survivor, is not the first bad ass role Norman Reedus oozed sexiness into. He caught the world’s attention in his excellent portrayal as Murphy MacManus in the action film “The Boondock Saints” almost 15 years ago, where he cleaned out Boston of its criminal element.
Women crave the sex appeal that Norman Reedus displays in “The Walking Dead” with his complete 180 from the character Murphy MacManus, into the rugged hillbilly character of Daryl Dixon. Rebecca captured the way Norman brings his sex appeal into his new role perfectly in the Dudley Media Group article by writing, “Somehow with him the “dirty” look works quite well. He has that rugged sex appeal that women crave but don’t usually find in their everyday lives.” Each and every week Norman’s fans watch this sexy star making sure the writers do not kill off his character, even going to the length of having T-Shirts printed that read “If Daryl dies, we riot!”
A riot is exactly what the writers will have on their hands if they kill off Daryl, because I will lead the pack! So, Norman Reedus if you are reading this, I couldn’t have said it any better and have to agree with Rebecca, “Thank you Norman for being so damn sexy and for being even more appreciative to your loving fans!”
Visit the DudleyMediaGroup.com website for all the latest news, and their new “Hotties” section coming in 2014, where Norman Reedus will top the list!
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