ERTC for Restaurants and PPP Eligibility Check | Tax Refund Service Updated

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Restaurant owners who have not claimed their ERTC rebates for 2020 and 2021 yet can use a no-cost eligibility check and fast rebate service launched by FTCO to claim up to $26,000 per employee in tax credits.

When the pandemic first struck, the federal government created several relief programs. Most restaurant owners enrolled in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), making them ineligible for the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC), which has now been extended through the end of 2024. These employers can now also access tax rebates through the ERTC, using the fast rebate service recently expanded by FederalTaxCredits.Org (FTCO).

More information about FTCO, and how restaurant owners can claim ERTC with PPP loans can be found at

The recently updated fast rebate service is run by a team of ERTC specialist CPAs and includes a unique 15 Minute Refund program for any small to medium-sized business with between 5 and 500 W-2 employees. The program allows for every employer to get their maximum allowable rebate, with a time commitment of 15 minutes or less.

When it was first created, the ERTC provided rebates of up to $5,000, and employers could not claim rebates if they had already enrolled in the PPP. After several rounds of amendments, the ERTC now offers rebates of up to $26,000 per employee, which can be claimed by startups, non-profit organizations, new businesses founded during the pandemic, and employers who have already received PPP loans.

Unlike the PPP, these rebates are not a loan or deferral, never require repayment, and have no restrictions on how they can be spent. ERTC rebates are reimbursement for wages paid during the pandemic, as refundable tax credits from the IRS, and often exceed the payroll taxes paid by a business during the same period.

The FTCO website includes in-depth explanations of how the program works, what employers can expect when claiming rebates, and how they can maximize their claims. It also includes a no-cost, no-obligation eligibility assessment that can help restaurant owners quickly determine if they qualify for tax credits.

The eligibility assessment asks 10 simple questions and does not require any proprietary business information. After completing the assessment, eligible employers will receive a link to the ERTC specialist CPA firm’s secure server, where they receive help from the CPA to maximize their rebate and complete the paperwork.

The 15 Minute Refund program has no risk and no up-front fees. Businesses will not be charged until after they have received their rebates, and any business that does not receive a rebate will not be charged at all.

More information about ERTC for restaurants, the 15 Minute Refund program, and the fast eligibility assessment can be found at
