( January 12, 2013) Sarasota and Lakeland, FL- Excel Building Services has achieved top awards in Tampa as a reliable and well regarded janitorial and commercial cleaning service. As Tampa Bay grows its footprint, so must the contractor’s services as well to keep up with the client base and the natural and organic growth of the population. Sarasota and Lakeland enjoy the fruits of Tampa Bay’s unique location abutting the city’s western and southern boundaries. Each having established themselves with their own sense of demographic character, however never leaving its connection and relationship to Tampa Bay.
Excel Building Services provides professional cleaning services to building managers and offices throughout Tampa with an expansive composition of different businesses blended in. The demand for their quality service to the further reaches of Tampa’s borders is a testament to their pride and loyalty that Excel’s existing client base maintain. Sarasota also shares the West Coast Gulf of Mexico shores that has its own character. Located comfortably between Tampa/ St. Petersburg and Naples, Sarasota has established itself as a metropolis of the South with a bedroom community and businesses of all types.
Clearly a strategic move on Excel’s part, they recognize the need to adjust with the changing times and grow as growth is demanded and needed. This expansion is not limited to only commercial cleaning services, but it also pertains to other contractors that serve the communities of Tampa, Sarasota, and Lakeland. Builders, painters, electricians, and plumbers have experienced similar scenarios.
Lakeland is also a region in between Tampa and Orlando that has experienced huge growth from the sprawling Tampa and Orlando, spilling out into commutable regions to both cities. Excel has seized this area as well where they have seen much increased demand and consequently have positioned their cleaning operations to include this bedroom community in their scope
Such geographic expanse has enabled Excel to also hire in their respective customer regions eliminating the travel logistics involved with 100 plus miles of travel to each location beyond Tampa proper. Entrenched in these regions places Excel on a target to claim significant market share in the janitorial service industry in West-Central Florida. It is a natural progression of growth geographically as one follows the main thoroughfare of highway travel in this area of Florida. With Excel providing such content results from its customers, their world will only increase to wherever they choose to go. For commercial cleaning information contact Excel at (813) 451-8229