Experts Suggest Fat Cells Are a Potential Threat to Joint Health

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( — October 22, 2019) Orlando, FL — There are many ways to take better care of joint health. However, it can’t be denied that it is always susceptible to damage, especially by certain factors that many people do not normally consider threatening.

Experts suggest fat cells are a potential threat to joint health. Gaining excess weight has also been thought to increase the risk of certain diseases and disorders. This includes arthritis, which is a painful and debilitating condition.

The link between obesity and arthritis could be alarming considering that there are many people from around the world today who are obese or overweight. As a matter of fact, obesity is considered as an epidemic in many areas around the world.

There are factors that significantly contribute to the increasing rate of obesity. One is the increased consumption of processed foods and those that are high in calorie and have low nutritional values. It is worth mentioning that these foods could significantly promote weight gain. They also have the ability to deprive the nutrients needed by the body.

Living a sedentary lifestyle is also another contributing factor for obesity. It is important to understand that obesity can place too much weight or stress on the joints. This has been found to speed up the wear and tear in the joint cartilage. It is further worth mentioning that fat could destroy the joints.

According to Farish Guilak PhD, a professor of orthopedic surgery at Duke University Medical Center at Durham, N.C., obesity is considered to be one of the most preventable risk factor for osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the United States. It is characterized by the wear and tear in the joint cartilage. It could develop due to genetics, injury, or age. Individuals who suffer from this condition tend to endure pain, stiffness, and immobility.

Due to these symptoms, there are sufferers who end up living a reduced quality of life. According to some experts, obese individuals are actually more susceptible to arthritis in the hands, fingers, or wrists.

It has been suggested by experts that millions and millions of fat cells dwell in fat, and they are called adipocytes. Adipocytes have detrimental effects on the system and could even destroy the joints. This often takes place when there is a misguided response to abundant glucose levels. It could also happen when there is cytokine exposure.

As a response to cytokine exposure, adipocytes churn out increased levels of adipokines, which are immune proteins of their own.  It is best to manage a healthy weight reduce the risk of arthritis.

It can also be useful to use joint health enhancing supplements like glucosamine, which is a naturally-occurring substances known to repair cartilage damage. Divine Bounty Glucosamine supplements, which is highly potent and pure, could be an excellent choice (

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