(Newswire.net — May 20, 2013) Geraldton, Australia — Conclusive studies have shown that the water that people use, is one of the gravest threats to their family health.
“An analysis of the water used in big agricultural communities has shown that water coming from deep wells less than 800 feet deep is not fit to drink,” stated Dr. Kiss, an avid researcher about the hazards brought by modern technology to mankind. “One study pointed out that agricultural communities in California are facing a great crisis, and that is the presence of high levels of nitrates and traces of heavy metal in the water that people drink. Most of these contaminants come from fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides that farmers use in their desire to increase production,” he further stated.
Dr. Kiss further discusses these issues in his e-Book, “Death by Natural Cause or Premeditated Murder” which is now available in his website. In this book, he shares with the readers the products of his years of readings and researches on man-made threats to the health of mankind.
“Because of the contaminated water that people drink, human bodies are like ticking bombs, with every drop of the water they ingest making the timer move faster and faster,” Dr. Kiss stated. As scientists stated, continuous and long-term ingestion of contaminated water can ruin family health, since all members, from infants to adults are affected.
“Researchers have identified the culprit in many fatal diseases man suffers. Because of the presence of harmful substances in the water that people drink, family health and lives are threatened,” Dr. Kiss warned.
Studies showed that water contaminated with toxic substances that come from farms and has flowed into streams, rivers and lakes also serves as the major sources of water supply in big cities. Although the water is treated, not all toxic substances can be removed and they go straight into the faucets in homes and into human bodies through the water that they use to bathe and drink.
“Even unborn babies suffer from the effects of contaminated water,” Dr. Kiss further revealed. “If these children are lucky enough to survive in their mother’s womb, they usually end up with physical defects, learning difficulties, behavioral problems and with certain incurable or debilitating diseases,” Dr. Kiss added.
Also discussed in Dr. Kiss’s eBook are some solutions to the problem presented by the unsafe water that people drink.
“With our governments seemingly unaware of the threats of the water that we drink to our family health, it is high time for us to learn how to make the water that flows into our homes safe for our health”. Dr. Kiss reminds his readers. “The harm that unsafe drinking water poses to family health must not be disregarded.”
For further information please contact http://www.deadlywater.com.au or email drkiss@deadlywater.com.au
Media contact: Edward Morrows; Email: edsnewstoday@gmail.com