Fly Fishing Tours Started by Scott Tucker

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( — October 18, 2015) — Everything Entertaining, a website for families looking for anything wholesome and amusing, featured Scott Tucker and his planned “Fly Fishing Tours” in a recent article. The three day tours will begin this fall on Tucker’s personal riverside land in Montana.

 “This man is offering something very special and I think our readers are very interested in it,” says Everything Entertaining writer Bobby Unther. “There are not a lot of private tours available like this anymore in North America, this is as private as you can get. Tucker using his personal property like this for people to come and enjoy in peace, it’s a one of a kind experience.”

The private tour, which will cost $400 including room and board per person, will allow for six attendees per three day tour. The tours run twice a month and are scheduled around peak fishing conditions in the fall and early winter. Tucker guarantees live fish catches every day of attendance.

“My fishing tours have been a long time coming,” says Tucker. “There aren’t enough people doing this type of private excursion anymore but I still love it so I want to share that and give people the chance to come out and experience it too. Over three days I think people can get a pretty good grip on what the land and river are like and catch some really great fish, then of course the fun part is cleaning it.”

There will be bait and tackle available for purchase on site for the fly-fishing, poles will not be provided by Tucker or his staff. The town south of Tucker’s land features fishing equipment stores with merchandise available for purchase.

About Everything Entertaining

Everything Entertaining is a blog devoted to all kinds of entertainment. The site keeps a content calendar for many local communities, and features entertaining events of all types. The site also features various kinds of entertainers, such as authors and filmmakers. Everything Entertaining features a balance of both popular and more experimental events, appealing to everyone from film lovers, to Broadway connoisseurs, to lovers of street artists.

About Scott Tucker

Scott Tucker has lived and worked in the state of Montana for 20 years. He operates a bait and tackle fishing supply distribution center with his wife and brother. Fishing and kayaking are his favorite outdoors activities.