Freddie and Sebbie Car Seat Sunshade Lowers Temperature on Kid’s Seat by as Much as 26 Deg

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( — July 23, 2014) Las Vegas, NV — 


A kid’s safety seat can get blistering hot when left inside a parked automobile. A sunshade can prevent that from occurring.


The National Institute of Wellness (NIH) has a report on a car seat heat research from Japan. That report says a child’s safety seat can get as hot as 149 degrees when left for a number of hours in direct sun.


“That will certainly burn,” said Neil Speight, a spokesman for Freddie and Sebbie the company behind the Car Seat Sunshade. “Picture what can take place if you put a small child down on a surface area that’s 149 degrees. It’s not pleasant.”.


The same research study likewise found distinctions in safety seat temperature levels based on the color of the automobile. Black cars recorded the highest temperature level.



“CS (safety seat) may end up being very hot while a car is parked in sun, especially if the automobile and the CS are black, so the CS needs to be cooled prior to a young child is put in it. Guardians of kids must know this danger,” the NIH reports.


Be more than mindful, Mr. Speight said. Be proactive and keep the hot sun off the safety seat with a sunshade, he said.


“You don’t such as sitting on a blistering hot seat and you know your youngsters don’t. Shield them,” he said.


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