(Newswire.net — November 4, 2014) Nashville, TN — IntercomsOnline.com released a new book to help businesses from small-sized all the way up to some of the biggest U.S. companies and government agencies solve every day communication problems not solved by cell phones. While almost everyone carries a cell phone these days, they still have limitations that don’t make them feasible for all wireless communication usage so a wireless intercom from IntercomsOnline is being used in their place.
IntercomsOnline has the widest variety of intercom systems available on the Internet and the free book covers the applications for their products. One of the most popular systems is their long-range wireless MURS intercom system. MURS is short for Multi-Use Radio Service, which is a group of 5 frequencies assigned by the FCC in 2000 for general public use. They are in the VHF band so intercoms that use MURS can communicate at ranges similar to two-way radios. The FCC defines the communication distance this way: “The usual range of communications between MURS devices is less than a few miles; connecting the unit to an external antenna can extend the range to ten miles or more.”
The actual distance of a MURS radio will be limited by the surrounding environment as well as the distance of the horizon. VHF signals do not bend over the horizon which is about 4-6 miles. Raising the antenna height on one or both sides will increase this distance.
IntercomsOnline has the most comprehensive line of MURS products available anywhere. These consist of two-way radios, base station intercoms, wireless callboxes, long-range wireless public address receivers, customer service buttons, and even motion and vehicle sensing devices that let other MURS devices know when someone has triggered the device.
Their RoveTec MURS Multi-Mile Long-Range Wireless Outdoor Intercom was designed by IntercomsOnline and is only available from them. This intercom is used for businesses, but it is also used for residential applications as well. It is often used at the end of long driveways to communicate back to the house. Not only can people talk the visitors at the gate, but they can also use it to open the gate as well. This intercom has been tested at a distance of two miles.
MURS frequencies are still very lightly used in most areas of the country so these devices make an excellent choice for many communication solutions.
If customers still want to use their cell phones or landline phones to receive calls from people at entry doors or security gates, IntercomsOnline now carries a cell phone network intercom as well. A cell phone intercom is essentially a cell phone based in a water-resistant housing. You simply set up mobile phone service with AT&T or T-Mobile and then when someone presses the button on the intercom, it calls up to 3 telephone numbers in sequence until someone answers. So calls can be taken from a gate or door no matter where a person is. This is a form of wireless intercom that has no distance limitations at all as long as there is cell phone service at the unit.
IntercomsOnline also carries traditional wired systems as well. They created kits for the most common applications to make it easier for customers to order a system.
Applications for their intercom systems include truck-scales, security gates, gas pumps, boat docks, ADA and OSHA compliance, parking lots, emergency evacuation, golf course ordering systems, construction sites and elevators, shooting ranges, campgrounds, entry doors, and many others.
IntercomsOnline.com marketing manager David Onslow commented on the type of companies they serve, “We have helped companies like Frito-Lay, Coca-Cola, BASF, Alcoa, General Motors, Harley-Davidson, Marriott Hotels, Lockeed Martin, Monsanto, Proctor & Gamble as well as government agencies like the IRS, FBI, NASA, U.S. Airforce, Army, and the Navy. We even have systems installed in military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our specialty is wireless intercom devices and that’s what most of our customers come to us for.”
IntercomsOnline has experts available to consult clients on the best solution for their particular application. Says Onslow, “Choosing a system from the many available on our website can be a daunting task, so that’s why we have knowledgeable technicians to help guide customers through the process.”
To receive the free book called “How to Choose a Commercial Intercom System or Two-Way Radio” ebook, Click Here.
About IntercomsOnline.com
IntercomsOnline solves communication problems in homes, businesses, or workplaces through innovative wireless and wired communication systems. They sell the best intercoms on the market, plus they develop some of their own products to meet more specific unmet needs in the marketplace.