(Newswire.net — November 21, 2012) Los Angeles, Ca. –Leptiburnreview.com has just published a report that explains how a Leptin diet is unlike any other weight loss program out there. The report states that eating pizza, ice cream, and a multitude of other goodies can be a total game changer in effective weight loss. The report calls these foods, cheat foods. It goes on to explain how a person can lose belly fat with the aid of these cheat foods. According to the report, the human body’s ability to burn fat is dependent on Leptin. Leptin is a hormone that controls metabolism and it predicts the fat loss capabilities of the rest of the fat loss hormones. Standard diets do not result in positive outcomes because they reduce Leptin levels and sensitivity.
Leptin Management is Key
According to this report, the incorrect management of Leptin is the key reason people hit weight loss plateaus. Indicated by advanced studies, the Leptin level in the body can be drastically reduced by 50% after one week of traditional dieting. This in turn causes a 50% decrease in the body’s fat loss potential. Another major obstacle of fat loss is the increased sensitivity to Leptin. Even with high levels of Leptin, no weight loss will occur. The report recommends battling decreasing Leptin levels due to dieting by getting away from the diet now and then and eating some cheat foods. The report includes some foods such as French toast, New York style pizza and ice cream as some of the cheat foods that will actually aid in fat loss.
To accompany cheat days, the report includes recommendations of consuming some additional carbohydrates the day after a cheat day. They have included an extensive list of single ingredient foods that will facilitate the body’s Leptin sensitivity. Following these three steps and taking BioTrust Nutritition’s fat loss product Leptiburn can create awesome fat loss results. Unlike its counterparts, Leptiburn includes some of the best Leptin fueling ingredients available today. You can check out the report and get all the information you need in the free report.
Download the Free Leptin Diet Report
Download the fat loss report right here: http://leptiburnreview.com/Cheat-Foods-that-Burn-Fat