From Consumers to Producers in a Decade Reports Sherrie Chastain

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( — June 8, 2013) Denver, CO. — “The ability for self expression has grown by leaps and bounds due to the latest media revolution,” Sherrie Chastain explains during one of her free marketing training sessions.  There are only 4 periods in the past 500 years of history that media has changed enough to make a claim of being a revolutionary period for media.  

The first revolutionary transformation in humans expressive capabilities using media was the printing press. This allowed the written word to be cost effectively duplicated and distributed.  Next came two way conversational technology, first with the invention of the telegraph that was soon followed by the telephone. This really was a revolution in self expressive capabilities that provided very near real time communication.  

Then a revolution of recorded media other than print came along.  First pictures, then sound, next the movies came on the scene with media finally being encoded on physical objects for reproduction.  This opened up opportunities for the entertainment industry, and self expression capabilities that had never been available before. Harnessing of the electromagnetic spectrum that allowed people to send sound and images through the air, which are more commonly known as radio and television, quickly followed.  “This is what the media landscape of the 20th century looked like.  The majority of us grew up with this as the norm, and this is what we are used to,” the Internet Marketing Consultant Sherrie Chastain explains.

The media that was good at creating conversations, was no good at creating groups.  The media that was good at creating groups, was not good at creating conversations.  The Internet is the first medium in history that simultaneously offers native support for conversations and groups.  Whereas the telephone allowed for a one to one pattern, with magazines, books, television, and radio, providing the one to many pattern.  The Internet gives us the many to many pattern.  This is a huge change in media, this is the first time in history that media has allowed conversations by average people to be held with groups.

As all media gets digitized, the Internet becomes the mode of carriage.  All media is migrating to the Internet, magazines, books, television, movies, phone calls, photos, videos, etc.  This means that all these types of media are now virtually side by side with each other, whereas in the past they were distinctly separate medias.  This creates an entirely different media landscape from the past where media was more personalized, to today’s opportunity filled socially engaged media landscape.

In other words, media now has the ability to become a site of coordination, instead of just a source of information.  People are now able to utilize the Internet to create groups around different sources of media, then engage in media based group conversations.  This has allowed for entirely new marketplaces to emerge around these groups and conversations.  

“However, this is not the only major change that came from this 4th technical revolution.  In the past, the mass majority of us only had the ability to consume media,” the Internet Marketing Consultant Sherrie Chastain explains.  “The Internet and the new technology that is available to everyone has now placed the average person in the producer seat, with the capabilities to produce photos, videos, audio, books, and just about anything a person can imagine.  Not only can the average person now produce media, they can share media with the whole world.”

