FTC Crackdown is Good News for Weight-Loss Method

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(Newswire.net — June 25, 2014) Olympia, Washington — “Our biggest nemesis is the Fad! We’re competing with false claims promising real results. And the consumer falls for it every time!” says best-selling author and world-renowned biochemist, Stephen Cherniske. The Metabolic Makeover (March, 2014) is filled with facts (cited, even!), detailing how to lose weight. And keep it off. Cherniske and double board-certified physician (and wife), Dr. Natalie Kather, are separating the fad from

fact in their new book outlining a proven, clinically-tested health plan thousands have followed with positive and lasting results.


As Americans’ waistlines grow and the instant-gratification margin slims, the magic pill option seems more and more appealing. Dr. Oz was quoted in an ABC article as saying, “I actually do personally believe in the items I talk about on the show. I recognize that oftentimes they don’t have the scientific muster to pass as fact.” Cherniske, having spent many decades in the lab comparing fads and facts concludes, “To date, there is NO magic pill for safe and long-term weight loss. Natalie and I believe the most effective method is knowledge: know how your body works and what it needs,” says Cherniske. Dr. Natalie Kather herself is a weight-loss success story of The Metabolic Makeover. (See before-and-after images left.)


Cherniske adds, “I would love to be proven wrong, in fact, I often encourage people to let me test their magic pills to be proven wrong!” Stephen Cherniske has been interviewed in major media outlets including an interview on Dateline for his revolutionary anti-aging research. The husband and wife co-author team boast more than 200 citations from peer-reviewed biomedical literature and decades of experience, proving this team to be highly respected and sought after authorities on food, nutrition, quality of life, and metabolism.


Major focus: “We all know people who are naturally thin,” says Dr. Kather. “They never have to count calories, buy fat clothes, or go on a diet. They also have an abundance of energy and never crave carbs. Stephen’s research reveals the genetic secret that naturally thin people enjoy, and the Metabolic Makeover (http://themetabolicmakeover.com) can give any motivated person those advantages.”


To request a press kit, visit http://themetabolicmakeover.com/press/   For media inquiries contact April at press@fuseologycreative.com

About The Metabolic Makeover: It’s All About Energy

Best-selling author and world-renowned biochemist, Stephen Cherniske, and double board-certified physician and wife, Dr. Natalie Kather, announce the launch of their new book The Metabolic Makeover. It’s a clinically-tested plan that thousands are following and experiencing results, much like the 66-year old that created it.

The Metabolic Makeover: It’s All About Energy

1115 West Bay Dr NW, suite 202
Olympia, Washington United States 98502

(360) 570-8010