Future Of Healthcare Tech Support Digital Industry Report Findings Launched

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A report has been launched on the future of healthcare tech support by Black Book Market Research and explains tech advances have the potential to positively affect the patient experience.

A report on the future of healthcare tech support in the digital age has been launched by industry research group Black Book Market Research. The report findings explore the idea that healthcare software support is on the verge of change as technologies continue to develop and telemedicine grows in popularity.

Read the report in full at https://blackbookmarketresearch.newswire.com/news/the-future-of-healthcare-tech-support-black-book-research-releases-21058049

The newly launched report explains healthcare technologies are evolving and improving all the time. The researchers say these changes have the potential to shape the very nature of what client services and tech support are within the healthcare industry. Interested parties are invited to follow the company on Twitter for updates at https://twitter.com/blackbookpolls.

Demand for changes and technology advances are nothing new explains the report, which cites the fact that eighty-four percent of non-IT workers want better technical service and basic software account support from current vendors.

One of the key findings from the research is that many senior IT respondents are not seeking a system replacement in the short term (the coming year). But most people surveyed will not buy more from their current vendors if their competitors offer a better experience from technology acquisitions.

In addition, just over half of respondents said they will be prepared to pay more for a greater technology support experience from their vendors if it leads to better clinician productivity via healthcare delivery and enhances healthcare consumer experiences. This is particularly true if it will improve the bottom line, which is never far from the minds of healthcare professionals working to tight budgets.

The advantages of more reliable and better healthcare technology include increased client retention and profits. The report highlights nearly all respondents said the effectiveness and efficiency of a vendor’s current technical support on owned products has the potential to influence their decision-making positively or negatively on additional purchases from that specific vendor.

A company spokesperson said: “What the findings from the report illustrate is the fact that vendors need to add real value through proven forward-thinking customer service. This is the only way to guarantee vendor success as opposed to selling flashy bells and whistles to hide past issues.”

To find out more, interested parties are invited to visit the links provided. Alternatively, the company LinkedIn page can be viewed at https://www.linkedin.com/company/blackbookmarketresearchllc.