No one talks about The Gang of Four anymore. One of the most shameless, self-serving initiatives this country has seen in decades, effortlessly swept under the rug.
In 1995, Santorum and Gingrich teamed with the likes of Tom Delay and Dick Armey, along with conservative lobbyist Grover Norquist to create what they called the “K-Street Project.” The purpose of this ‘project’ was to get supposedly neutral Republicans high level positions with major lobbying firms. For the favor, these lobbyists could then coordinate efforts with lawmakers, influencing and realizing policy. And not for the good of the country.
Santorum acted as the Congress and lobbyists liaison. In this capacity, meeting weekly with lobbyists, it was Santorum who pulled the strings, making sure everyone fell in line. Otherwise, they’d suddenly find much needed access to powerful and influential members of Congress would become difficult, if not impossible.
During this period, Santorum accepted money from Saipan’s Tan Family. The Tan Family was making a lot of money violating human rights in such horrendous professions as sweatshops and the illegal sex trade. One of the Tan’s most memorable business practices was forcing female employees to have abortions, or risk losing their jobs. With Tan money in his pocket, Santorum couldn’t pretend to not be aware of this. Worse, he played a major part in curtailing legislation that could have put a stop to many of these practices.
With greed, crime, corruption and the power of money at its center, the K-Street Project was easily renamed The Gang of Four, referring to its major players: Santorum, Gingrich, Delay and Jack Abramoff. They weren’t just corrupt, they were arrogant. Bribery, scandal, fraud, money laundering, decision making for profit, all flaunted shamelessly as Republicans hoped to stack the odds in their favor.
The greed and corruption was so egregious, so flush with corruption and criminality, in 2007, Congress made such a ‘project’ illegal.
Besides his involvement in the Gang of Four, Gingrich has giddily dipped his whole foot in the corruption river for a long time. He accepted over a million dollars from Freddy Mac, who had more than their share of political problems. This money was for “history lessons.” He also accepted close to $40 million from prominent pharmaceutical and insurance players, and proceeded to shill for government mandated health care insurance.
That these two men have managed to maintain political careers is astounding.
Mitt Romney is without a doubt completely and totally unqualified to lead the greatest nation in the world. Giving Ron Paul the privilege should leave the bones cold and defenseless. He’s collected earmarks in the millions, spreading the wealth among his group of cronies. Among any number of violations, it’s well documented that Paul has double billed taxpayers for trips.
So, here we are, applauding and waving signs for four inept and/or corrupt candidates. Santorum and Gingrich especially know a good thing when they see it: being President of the United States will give them the type of power and influence to make more money than they could’ve ever imagined.
Two men knee deep in one of the most scandalous political incidents of the last twenty years, yet we sit there, watching them smile and pontificate on how they have the integrity to hold our highest office and take us beyond the very sickness they’ve infested us with.
How has this great country fallen so far? If you judge Santorum and Gingrich past track record the answer in my opinion is not far enough!.