Global Vacation Network Surveys Show Happy Prospects

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( — February 14, 2014) Orlando, Florida — The Global Vacation Network membership travel club will be posting their prospect surveys online for full disclosure and transparency. All private data is removed to protect privacy. Here are a few of them that have been recently completed.


Global Vacation Network tours over 30,000 couples yearly, and has been known for their customer service policies exceeding industry standards. They have started posting pictures of new members, along with videos when people join the program which can be viewed on their facebook page:


This Facebook page also has reviews from members that have taken vacations, and also post their vacation pictures.


Below is a consumer survey of people that took the tour, along with their comments:



This is a survey Global Vacation Network took to show how comfortable people were made to feel during the presentation:



Global Vacation Network membership travel benefits include a variety of different condominium packages, along with their expert help and advice on the best savings for airline-reservations and bookings, car rentals, cruises and special member cruises, tour packages, and many other types of travel related and online shopping discounts, deals and coupons.

Global Vacation Network

6200 Metrowest Blvd.
Orlando, Florida 32835-7636