(Newswire.net — February 25, 2015) Los Angeles, CA — It is estimated that as much as 80% of people have experienced adrenal fatigue during their lifetime. This condition usually occurs as a result of constant stress in a person’s life. Most people combat their never-ending feelings of fatigue with coffees, energy drinks, and caffeine supplements. However, this is only a temporary solution and causes the adrenal glands to function below optimal levels. When in this continuous state of weariness people have diminished energy levels that may eventually have an impact on their emotional and psychological well-being. Athletic Greens recently released a new video that explains why this happens and what steps a person can do to fix this common issue.
Athletic Greens premium superfood cocktail is a nutritional supplement that contains seventy five whole food sourced ingredients. By carefully selecting each ingredient and delivering them in optimal amounts, in their natural form, people are able to completely absorb the nutrients from their product. In their new video, which can be viewed on Athletic Green’s YouTube Channel, the company explains that many people who experience this may show no obvious signs of illness but generally feel extremely tired and foggy most of the time. Furthermore, they point out people who are malnourished or eat a poor diet are more susceptible to having their adrenal glands function below optimal levels. Mixing poor eating habits with prolonged stress is a surefire way to feel tired and lethargic each and every day. Knowing the symptoms and being able to identify that the body doesn’t feel as good as it should is only half the battle. In order to correct this condition there are some lifestyle changes that a person must endure.
First and foremost people with adrenal fatigue need to stop consuming caffeine supplements. Continuing to drink gallons of coffee and energy drinks each day will only provide temporary relief and the adrenal glands will never be able to work properly. It is also essential that people make sure they are getting high quality sleep throughout the night. Some people are able to combat adrenal fatigue by taking naps and going to bed earlier. However, most people are stressed and their lifestyles do not allow them this luxury. By reducing stress in one’s life the sleep they do get will be higher quality and less would be required each night. Yoga, meditation or just a simple walk outdoors is an easy way to help people reduce stress in their lives. The single most important thing a person can do to combat adrenal fatigue is to ensure they are getting the proper vitamins and nutrition.
The body requires micronutrients to make everything work and when a deficiency in vitamins or minerals occurs things start to go wrong. Essential vitamins like C, B5, & B12 are necessary for people to get long lasting energy. While some people may believe they are getting enough vitamins and minerals through their diets the truth is that if they aren’t being absorbed then they are never converted into energy. Most people can counter these nutritional gaps in their diets with smart supplementation choices. By getting the right nutrients in the right amounts people can give themselves natural energy that will last all day long.
Athletic Greens has compiled a list of their top energy producing foods that is available in a free report that is available here: www.ultimateenergyguide.com
For more information and videos on Athletic Greens visit http://chrisashenden.com/