Hartsdale Puppies For Sale: Ethical Buying All Dog Breeds Campaign Announced

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Westchester Puppies & Kittens (914-437-7600), based in Hartsdale, NY, announces its educational campaign on proper pet buying. The pet shop says that it’s important for families to meet their desired puppy first in person before deciding to purchase.

The ethical pet store’s latest initiative encourages interested pet owners to see their desired puppies first before purchasing them, to decide if they, and their children, will get along with them. The store says that sometimes, even if a person likes how a puppy looks online, they may not feel a special bond with that puppy in person.

More details can be found at https://www.westchesterpuppies.com/

Westchester Puppies & Kittens started its educational campaign to prevent animal returns or abandonment. According to one study by the American Humane Association, one in 10 pets adopted from a shelter or bought from a pet store is no longer in their home six months later. While there are many reasons for this, one key development is that adoptive parents often do not feel a bond with their pets.

Researchers suggest that choosing a pet merely from a picture or online video does not account for how the pet will interact with a person in real life. Westchester Puppies & Kitten says that it’s more important for a pet parent to feel a connection with their new pet rather than just liking how it looks. In fact, the team says that more often than not, parents end up choosing an entirely different puppy from the one they had liked online because of an instant connection felt in person.

As part of the information campaign, Westchester Puppies & Kittens also explains the importance of researching the specific dog breed of one’s intended puppy. For example, the German Shephard is a highly popular breed due to its obedience and tractability. However, the breed is also highly energetic and needs to exercise at least 2 to 4 hours each day.

A spokesperson for the pet store said, “Our goal is to help you decide on which breed of puppy is right for you, your family, and the circumstances of your household. We will ensure that when you take your puppy or kitten home from Westchester Puppies & Kittens, you will be provided with all the information that you need to properly care for your new baby.”

Interested parties can find more information by visiting https://www.westchesterpuppies.com/

Source: https://newswire.net/newsroom/pr/00000000-https-www-westchesterpuppies-com.html