(Newswire.net — April 1, 2019) Winnetka, IL — Male infertility is undeniably prevalent nowadays, especially in the United States. Researchers have been investigating its causes as well as its association with low testosterone.
According to experts, having low levels of testosterone has negative effects on sex drive and erectile function.
There are treatment options like the Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This treatment puts testosterone levels to normalcy and even regains one’s sex drive.
Unfortunately, TRT also has undesirable effects. This includes a reduction on one’s ability to father children.
According to Michael Eisenberg, MD, urologist, testosterone replacement therapy has a profound impact on a man’s reproductive potential.
Eisenberg is director of male reproductive medicine and surgery at Stanford Hospital and Clinics in Palo Alto, Calif.
“It’s been studied as a method of birth control, because 90% of men can drop their sperm counts to zero while on testosterone. By increasing testosterone, you’re not going to increase fertility,” he adds.
There are indeed many factors that contribute to the onset of male infertility. Experts have been strongly recommending to resort to the measures that could help inhibit its onset.
Researchers have been carrying out studies to learn more about how male infertility can be naturally cured. Some of these studies found that herbs like ashwagandha may be potentially helpful.
According to scientists, ashwagandha exerts positive effects on the bodily hormones.
A study was carried out and it involved 75 infertile men who were treated with ashwagandha. At the end of the study, it has been found there was an increase in sperm count and motility.
Scientists conducted a 3-month research to test ashwagandha’s sperm-generating effects. It involved 46 healthy men with a low sperm count or those suffering from oligospermia.
At day 90, it was found that the ashwagandha group achieved increases in sperm count by 167 percent, semen volume by 53 percent, and sperm motility by 57 percent.
More and more studies are being conducted to explore more of ashwagandha’s healing benefits.
It is widely used by many people in many areas around the world for preventive health purposes.
There are actually many health benefits associated with the use of this herb.
Supplements like NutraHerbals Ashwagandha have been found beneficial in delivering the herb’s fertility-enhancing, disease-fighting benefits.
This extra-strength formula continues to gain popularity from consumers due to its high potency. It is also considered unique and superior because it is free from nasty ingredients like binders, fillers, and GMOs (http://www.amazon.com/organic-ashwagandha-root-powder/dp/B01GZALWGO).
About NutraHerbals
NutraHerbals was established in the year 2016 as one of the leading suppliers in the market. It caters to the various Herbal Ayurvedic products as per needs of the clients. In the world which is being taking over by chemical products which harm the skin, body, and health in general, our products are made using the most natural products available. Our company aims at endorsing the Go Green concept and also caters to the medicinal, nutritional, and healthcare product needs of a vast majority of clients across the globe.
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