(Newswire.net — November 30, 2021) Orlando, FL — Every year, the mortality rates of the liver disease continue to skyrocket. In England & Wales, it is ranked as the fifth big killer.
Health authorities further warn that liver disease is a bigger killer than diabetes and road deaths combined. The death rates due to liver disease doubled since 1991, experts say.
The National Health Service warns that the cost of alcohol misuse has been estimated to reach £2.7 billion annually.
The World Health Organization (WHO) on the other hand, reports that roughly 3 percent of the global population suffer from hepatitis C. It is worth mentioning that this is only one of the serious liver diseases today.
Health authorities further warn that the most common liver problem in the Western world is NAFLD, which affects 20 to 30 percent of the population. Unfortunately, a vast majority are actually left undiagnosed.
It is important to remember that the liver can stay strong and protected by just taking some helpful measures, such as following a healthy diet and lifestyle. These are steps scientists found to be useful in warding off liver disease.
Doctors say that when the liver disease starts developing, it can be costly to manage and cure. There are also many types of liver diseases that place sufferers in life-threatening situations.
Today, more and more researchers are investigating ways to aid in enhancing liver health and protection. In some studies, it has been found that a therapeutic ingredient found in red wine could help.
In some studies, it has been found that this powerful antioxidant resveratrol aids in protecting the liver from damage.
Joanne M. Ajmoat the University of South Florida Health Sciences Center in Tampa spearheaded a study.
It has been found that alcohol-fed mice treated with resveratrol had reduced fat in their livers. It is similarly important to learn that fat breakdown was faster in subjects treated with this antioxidant.
The study was published in The American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology.
There are actually many other studies revealing how therapeutic resveratrol is for the liver. In addition to its liver-health benefits, this powerful antioxidant could also work wonders in delivering various therapeutic effects.
Supplements like Divine Bounty Resveratrol are a popular source of this powerful antioxidant. This formula possesses highly potent, pure, and superior quality resveratrol.
Individuals who want to enhance the health and protection of their liver may benefit from its use. It is made even more popular by the customer satisfaction guarantee it comes with (https://www.amazon.com/Resveratrol-Supplement-Strength-Extract-capsules/dp/B019C0UU5S).
About Divine Bounty
Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at http://www.DivineBounty.com.
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