(Newswire.net — November 27, 2014) Darien, CT — President Barack Obama’s recent attempt at humor is completely off base. It shows a callous attitude towards Christianity at large. America waits for an apology, it probably won’t get. Since the President is never admits to be wrong, will this be the first public apology the American public will receieve from our sitting leader? I surely hope so.
Mind you this has nothing to do with Republican versus Democrat issues. It has to do with an outright lack of respect towards the beliefs’ of millions of Christians across the country. Beliefs our founding fathers based our Constituition on. It is insensitive and offensive by our leader to mock Christians by making a sign of the cross absolving a turkey, then laughing at it. This type of humor is not welcome. It is not funny. It is disrespectful. A man of his stature should know that making fun of someone’s relgious beliefs violates the American public’s sense of religious acceptence. Is this what they learn in community organizing school these days?
Thanksgiving is a family day when we gather to give Thanks. In case Mr.Sensitive living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is not aware of the fact we are giving thanks to God. Mocking God, even in jest is not the example the leader of the free world needs to display on this greeat holiday. We have much to be thankful for. Thankful to each other, our friends and families. Thankful for the abundance we know and have come to love in a country based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Most importantly we need to give thanks to God for the great nation of tolerance.
I urge anyone who feels as outraged as I do to send a message to President Obama, “Religious intolerance is not okay with the American people”. Please ahare this message.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy God’s Blessings. Brian Mckay
About DarienChiropractor Brian McKay
Core Health is a Chiropractic facility that offers specialized care of the musculoskeletal system focusing on increased function of the body as a whole. We look at the soft tiissue and the skeletal system and treat both to obtain the best results for our patients. Athletes young and old turn to us to stay in the game.We also treat back pain, migraines, plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow. Dr.McKay is a contributing author to a number of respected web authority sites.