(Newswire.net — November 4, 2013) Darien, CT — Halloween 2013 fell on a Thursday this year. So after tucking the little ones into bed on Friday November 1st you go and pick up the baby sitter. You have a Halloween Party to attend that night.
This is not just any Halloween Party it is THE HALLOWEEN PARTY. Last years party was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy. This has to make up for last years party.
You probably are not as thin as Robin Thicke so you opt to go as Miley Cyrus. You even manage to locate the sponge with the big Number 1 on it from the last time the Yankees were in the World Series. The skin colored tights put you in a class by yourself.
You arrive and your costume is a hit. A few more beers later and “Blurred Lines” is blasted from someone’s I Pod. It is your turn to twerk. And you twerked like you were 20 but your 46 and that is a problem.
Your back can’t handle twerking and you suddenly find yourself stuck in a twerked position. You twerked your back. Your wife has to help you get into the car and you are driven home early with a terrible aching back. You won’t be raking leaves tommorow.
Now if you had gone to see Dr.McKay at Core Health in Darien CT you would have been able to twerk all night long without hurting yourself. So instead of raking leaves on Saturday you are trying to get an appointment with Dr.McKay so he can fix your back.
Back problems can really get in the way of you enjoying life do something before you ruin the party for yourself.