Hope Rising has announced its hope-certified, integrated emotional intelligence program, “My Best Me”, for K-12 classrooms.
Hope Rising anticipates that its newly announced emotional intelligence curriculum will provide K-12 educators with the structure they need to teach students essential psycho-social skills for improving their emotional competence. “My Best Me” integrates the science of hope into its unique goal-setting and achieving method, which students practice through interactive assignments as the course unfolds.
Interested parties can learn more at https://hoperisingedu.com/the-science-of-hope/
With this announcement, Hope Rising offers educators and school programs “My Best Me” packs for each grade, which contain age-appropriate student workbooks and editable worksheets. These classroom packs also contain teacher guides, online teacher training and support, and family engagement activity pages to provide assistance for educators as they involve students’ family members in their emotional intelligence learning.
Hope Rising defines hope as the belief that tomorrow will be better than today, and that one will have the power to make it so. Scientific research on the power of hope has revealed that students with higher hope scores have better grades, attendance, and graduation rates, explains Hope Rising. Its EI curriculum has also proven that classrooms with more hopeful students see lower dropout rates, less truancy, and decreased rates of chronic absenteeism, even when controlling for socio-economic status.
The organization’s hope-based EI curriculum, “My Best Me”, teaches students how to regulate their emotions and stress, by practicing positive thinking and goal-setting. In this program, students learn how to set a goal, create a pathway to that goal, and build the necessary willpower to achieve that goal. This method is then reiterated in each of the five sections in “My Best Me”, which focus on identity and relationships, mental, physical, and emotional health maintenance, the importance of community, the physical environment, and economics.
Hope Rising also offers a suite of educational articles through its original blog series on the website. Here, educators and parents can learn more about the benefits of emotional intelligence learning or the potential effects of adverse childhood experiences. This informative blog series also covers more specific issues such as advice for talking to children about school shootings, work/life balance as an educator, ways to incorporate multimedia in the classroom, and more.
Interested parties can learn more and contact Hope Rising by visiting https://hoperisingedu.com/the-science-of-hope/