Hot Tubs Annandale, Herndon Dealer Participates in Physical Fitness & Sports Month

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( — May 14, 2014) Annandale, VA – Capital Hot Tub with stores in Fairfax, VA and Clarksburg, MD is participating in National Physical Fitness and Sports Month by publishing a list of their own health and fitness improvement strategies. 


“National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is all about helping Americans focus on the importance of living better and healthier,” said Joe Mahoney, president of Capital Hot Tubs.  “A well-rounded approach to a healthy lifestyle will ensure that people touch on every aspect of well-being: physical, mental, and emotional,” continued Mahoney.


Here are three top methods of living healthier that everyone can do:


Exercise Several Times a Week – Exercise is nature’s natural feel good prescription. Working out helps the body release endorphins which is a natural hormone that creates a feeling of euphoria and happiness. Dr. Oz, nationally known weight loss doctor and author, suggests getting started slowly and working up to a lowered heart rate that is as close to 60 as possible.


Direct Mental Attitude – Sometimes, just a little attitude adjustment can mean the difference between feeling low and being happy. Changing the way we look at events or overall situations can improve our lifestyles by making it easier to deal with difficulties that occur normally. Having a positive attitude has many of the same health benefits as exercise. It can help reduce cardiovascular disease, increase life expectancy and lower the chances of depression.


Health in Your Backyard – The better prepared we are to engage in healthy habits, the more likely we are to participate in our own better living. Adding a hot tub to the home to allow everyone in the family to have a place to relax, de-stress after a long day, and even enjoy the health benefits of temperature controlled heat and soothing massage jets will pay off in the long run.


“To help educate the public on how a hot tub can help improve overall health and well-being we will provide free hot tub test soaks in our 2 locations during the entire month’ said Mahoney. 

We suggest that consumers just call us ahead of time to schedule their free 30-minute soak so they can check out the benefits for themselves.”


Consumers wanting to learn more are encouraged to pick up a copy of the free Hot Tub Buyer’s Guide – “7 Steps to Hot Tub Buying Success” Just call (301) 607-4670 or visit the company website for more information.  The website address is


About Capital Hot Tubs

Capital Hot Tubs is a full service hot tub and sauna dealer with 2 convenient locations in the Washington, DC metro area – Fairfax, VA and Clarksburg, MD. We sell Hot Spring Spas.  Hot Spring Spas are manufactured by Watkins Manufacturing Corporation, a division of Masco Corp (NYSE: MAS) a Fortune 500 company.


To learn more about the health benefits and energy saving features of owning your own hot tub, you are encouraged to pick up a copy of our free report “7 Steps to Hot Tub Buying Success”. Just go to: or give us a call at 301-607-4670.

Capital Hot Tub

25811 Frederick Rd
Clarksburg, MD 20871
