How is Labour Hire in Perth WA Going to Survive The Impeding Jobs Slow Down and Distress

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( — February 7, 2015) Perth , WA — The staff of All Force Labour Solutions knows exactly what it sounds like when somebody’s life has just changed – after all,they hear it all the time.

“Usually, there is a brief moment of silence as the news sinks in,then I can hear the person on the other end exhale and that is usually followed by a heartfelt ‘Thank You’,” said All Force Labour Solutions Business Development Manager Darragh Melvin. “Without a doubt, it is my favorite part of each day to
make that call and tell somebody that we found a job for

In the midst of a slowing economy – the Reserve Bank of Australia just cut its growth forecast for the
rest of the year – and unemployment increasing more quickly in Western Australia than elsewhere in
the country, that phone call takes on added significance.

In this grinding economy, This Prominent Labour Hire Agency in Perth helps people get better jobs in Perth WA . Now, however, it’s often about helping somebody find work who is either unemployed or on the way there. It only
makes the staff of the boutique recruitment agency work harder.

“We know that what we do makes a real difference in people’s lives,” said Martin Conroy, director of
All Force Labour Hire Perth WA. “Especially when times are tough.”

Martin noted that people do not realize that it is also more difficult for businesses to hire the right
person. While there might be more candidates out there, the margin of error is much smaller and
the consequences of hiring the wrong person is much more severe.

Using the example of the construction industry, on which All Force Labour Solutions focuses, Martin
illustrates the difficulties facing an employer.

“Every day, its ‘all hands on deck’ so the owner of a construction company is often out there
connecting with workers and clients, ensuring there is a harmonious work front and that clients are
getting the production and workflow that is required to get the job done on time and on budget. He
has very little time to focus on the recruitment process. ”

Martin pointed out. “Being wrong about a new hire can have serious repercussions and negatively
impact businesses, especially smaller ones that is why it’s much more beneficial to hire quality over
price… that’s where we shine as we are working to ensure our clients get the highest level of worker
and workmanship.”

All Force Labour Solutions has an impressive track record of matching candidate and company. The
agency does all of the important things that business owners often simply don’t have time to do, such as checking references, making sure the work permits of foreign nationals are in order and that
the expertise of candidates actually matches the job requirements.

The staff of All Force Labour Solutions are very much aware of the differences that can exist
between what job seekers look like on paper and how they perform in real life. It is up to them to
make sure that employers get a worker they need and not an unpleasant surprise. After all, it could
have disastrous consequences if, for example, a small construction company hires somebody who is
not eligible to work in Australia or, even worse, endangers others because they do not have the
required safety training.

The recruitment agency makes sure that does not happen. Once a candidate has been hired, All
Force Labour Solutions even offers to send a supervisor to the work site to make sure that the new
employee is up to the job.

A big plus for the agency is that it is based in Perth and that Martin and his partner Mick Ryan, have
a combined 30 years of experience in the construction industry, their vast experience in working on
the front line gives them the advantage of knowing exactly what companies DON’T want… Poor work
ethic, unskilled labour, unsafe practices, unreliability.

Both view this as one of their greatest strengths. They know exactly what to look for in a candidate
because they are very familiar with the needs of companies in their field. It makes a big difference
compared to somebody who might have a background in personnel management but does not know
the industry.
Being based in Perth and helping Perth businesses is another big advantage. Huge national
recruitment agencies often do not understand local needs.

“We are a part of the fabric of our community and that is a big plus,” according to Martin “For us,
recruiting isn’t a numbers game. It’s about getting to know people and finding out what they need –
and that applies to employers and job seekers alike.”

And that’s why the agency is working 24/7 for Perth businesses and residents. They know that in the
end, when they get to experience that life-changing moment on the phone, all their hard work will
have paid off.


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For more information :

All Force Labour Solutions

262 Orrong Rd
Perth , WA Australia 6101

08 9394 0586