(Newswire.net — November 15, 2014) Burnsville, MN — With the increasing popularity of blogs, hobbies like preparing gourmet foods at home have found their place on the web and attracted people with similar interests. One such interest is the preparation of gourmet frozen treats.
One only needs to do a search for popsicle recipes on any search engine to find multiple results from around the world. Articles about the topic popped up on multiple blogs between June to August where they were presented as a delicious option for cooling off during the summer heat. Some people however, enjoy creating unique popsicles and other frozen treats year round and are constantly seeking new recipes and improved preparation methods.
SUPERCOOL POPS has recently launched a new line of Ice Pop Molds that they claim can benefit those people in many ways. The first way is the alleged faster than normal freezing of the contents of the molds which the company attributes to their cylindrical design. The second purported benefit is due to another aspect of their design which is said to minimize on the mess the treats can potentially make both in the freezer and in storage for transport. The design feature of a removable cap on the top which is said to provide the dual benefit of eliminating the need for popsicle sticks and also to securely reseal unfinished popsicles for consumption at a later date.
The next benefit these ice pop molds are said to offer users is an easy clean-up process due to their dishwasher friendly design. SUPERCOOL POPS also promotes them as being free of the BPA assuring customers that regardless of what they use to fill up the 3 ounce capacity of the molds, the harmful chemical will not leach into their popsicles. These features may make them attractive to consumers who want to purchase ice pop molds distributed by SUPERCOOL LCC of a reusable nature.
People who purchase the molds will receive a package of eight molds of assorted colors. The people who purchase it for use in making gourmet frozen treats may also benefit from the free addition of an e-book from the company that features multiple recipes for popsicles and other frozen treats.
People interested in purchasing these ice pop molds may do so on Amazon.com where they are exclusively sold. They may prove to be a useful and cost effective addition to their kitchens.
SUPERCOOL LCC offers $2.00 off each item for their new customers. You can use the promo code XMASFOR2 and find this product at:
SUPERCOOL LLC is a company dedicated to creating products that generally make eating healthy a lot easier and a lot more fun. SUPERCOOL LLC’s ice pop molds are not only great for healthier snacks as well as lunches; these products are made out of healthy materials that are BPA free. So now you wouldn’t have an excuse of not enjoying healthy food!