(Newswire.net — December 27, 2013) Idaho Springs, CO. — The slumlord Kamalesh Patel has a very bad reputation for not repairing necessary items in his rental home that include heat, electric, bathroom fixtures, appliances, etc. Renters over the years continually report Kamalesh Patel, but all he does is evict them and rent to another un-knowing person. It is time this injustice be brought to renters attention!
The latest poor renter is an 80% disabled war veteran that has lost a great deal of money to this slumlord. Not only has this poor war veteran lost his $1,250 deposit, along with coutnless monies he had to spend out of his own pocket to repair this rental property, he had to finally move out because the slumlord Kamalesh Patel refused to fix the heat after repeated reports that it was not working in sub zero temperatures. This is an illegal offense, however Kamalesh Patel remains unavailable for comment after repeated attempts to contact him for repairs.
The disabled war veteran tried to fix these problems so he would not have to relocate when the temperatures were dropping below 20 degrees below zero, however the issues are so bad only new equipment can repair the over 40 year old boiler. The war vet was quoted, “I can’t even use the oven for heat because it has not worked for many months. Being disabled it is very hard for me to relocate, but now I am forced out into the cold to look for a new place to live and will lose all my money to this slumlord Kamalesh Patel. While I was trying to move out Kamalesh Patel even called the police on me, and once they showed up they wondered what the problem was since they said that it looked as though I was trying to remove my few things and asked who the landlord was. When I told them it was Kamalesh Patel they laughed and said that they have had issues with him for years and good luck because they knew what I was up against.”
It is disturbing that our war veterans that have loyally served our country can legally be treated this way from slumlords like Kamalesh Patel, and something should be done. This warning is going out to anyone trying to rent a home in Idaho Springs Colorado to stay as far away from Kamalesh Patel as possible because of the years of repeated problems with getting him to fix anything or return any of the deposits he is paid!
This war veteran is seeking legal counsel to fight this injustice and have his deposit returned, however, we all know how long that will take. So, in the meantime do not rent from this slumlord, and please take part in this boycott of Kamalesh Patel.