Interviewing Expert Offers Free List of Tools for Hiring Employees

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( — August 5, 2014) Broomfield, Colorado — Stephen Moulton an interviewing expert, wants to make life easier and more productive for the nation’s 2 million small business owners that struggle with hiring employees.  One way of doing that is to offer a free list of “7 Tools for Hiring Great Employees.”


The tools are based on research into how to effectively interview candidates.  Research has shown that the typical interview that most employers use has a reliability of 14% in predicting the success of a candidate.  These tools are based on research that has been shown to have a reliability of 90%.


Why is this important? Some research studies have shown that 46% of new employees fail in the first 18 months. Four in 10 employees can’t work collaboratively and half of employees aren’t motivated to grow or change.


The free list is available at 7 Tools for Hiring Great Employees. Stephen Moulton regularly speaks at professional and business association meetings and conferences. He is available to speak to groups on the secrets of Hiring Employees for Attitude, Alignment, and Aptitude. 


Mr. Moulton has over 30 years of human resource and interviewing experience.  For more information on where Mr. Moulton will be speaking or to schedule a presentation, contact him at


Hire-STARS website contains turn-key foolproof hiring tools that can be used by any small business. This is the one place online where you can learn and master the art of hiring great employees – without spending a fortune.


Included in the membership are these tools to help find the right candidate: 

  • Job Description Creator

Point and click from among over 1,000 technical competencies for jobs to create perfect job descriptions whether it is for non-exempt employees, professionals or supervisors – which no other program has.


  • Create Standardized Interview Questions

When you rate the 96 possible behaviors needed to perform the job, the software creates a set of possible interview questions to ask – and shows you what to look for in the answers to accurately find qualified candidates.


  • Database of All Your Job Profiles and Interviews

Many big companies use ActionPlus® online software, now you can to. You will be able to take the guess work out of hiring great people. Plus you will have your position profiles on line any time you need them.


  • Software to Create and Integrate Your Personal Interviewing Recipe.

The software creates a PDF complete with interview questions, reminders of the rating criteria and a scorecard to rate candidates.


  • Strategies for Avoiding Hiring Mistakes

Here is your chance to take advantage of a proven system to become better prepared to pick great employees with great interview tips.


  • Hiring Strategies That Work

When learning how to interview and select new employees, you need more than theories and strategies. You need approaches to making selection decisions that actually help you make the most of your business.


  • Monthly Interviews of Leadership Experts

From screening candidates to engaging them and improving performance, these interviews will give you proven hands-on strategies that will work for you.


  • Monthly Coaching Calls

In each Hire Advantage coaching session we discuss the material in one of the lessons, answer questions, and do live hands-on coaching with participants. We record all sessions so that you can listen later if you cannot attend live.


  • Samples

Having access to sample policies, procedures, and forms can save you time, money and frustration. Hire Advantage has sample policies, procedures and forms to make your life easier.

Now you can assess someone accurately. The system makes it very easy to find and hire and retain the right person,” he said.

About Action

Small business leaders need to have three basic questions answered when hiring new employees. 1. Have you got the skills, expertise and experience to perform the job? 2. Are you enthusiastic and interested in the job and the company? 3. Will you fit into the team, culture and company? Hire-STARS helps Small Business Leaders get answers to these and many other questions.


430 columbine Avenue
Broomfield, Colorado United States 80020
