A trading program has been launched for beginners who want to learn how to use the tools required to consistently trade effectively, each week a different topic is covered via live webinar.
A new trading program has been launched aimed at people who are new to the stock market or want to learn how to become a savvy trader. The program was developed by John Fox also known as John FTSEman who wrote Making Sense of the Chaos, which aims to teach readers how to effortlessly read a price chart using simple tools to create consistent trading profits.
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The newly launched program is ideal for beginners or people who want to become traders but are unsure how to get started. The team behind the program explain it can help people understand the trade selection process required for success, entry into the stock market, managing a personal portfolio, and how to set achievable targets.
Individuals who join the program will have the opportunity to watch a professional trader live and follow live markets, stocks, currency, and index options. In addition, access to a trading room group for support is included alongside email support and an extensive library of tutorial videos.
There are over 400 videos in the library, and they are full of trading advice including instruction on firm bank management techniques and proper use of the tools. The videos can be watched as many times as an individual requires or wants to.
Live webinars are also part of the program, which makes it accessible to remote participants. Each week there is a webinar focused on one specific trading tool or topic that is useful to the participants, most recently it has been attitudinal skills.
To ensure participants get the most out of the program, each week a random market is selected for analysis, which gives the group the opportunity to practice their insights in reading a market.
A participant wrote: “Having spent a lot of money on courses from so called trading educators in the past, John was recommended to me by a friend. John teaches methods that work when applied correctly – he gives you the tools to make you an independent trader, provided you are willing to put in the time and effort required to master them.”
To find out more, interested parties are invited to visit the link provided. Alternatively, more details can be viewed at https://johnftseman.com.