(Newswire.net — September 17, 2013) Dallas, TX — Think and Grow Rich is one of the top-selling business and success books of all time, and is the book that Napoleon Hill was best known for.
According to New York Times best-selling author Frank Rumbauskas, who was recently named Best Sales Trainer in Dallas, Hill’s books, particularly Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success are largely responsible for his own personal success. Why, then, does he say most sales professionals don’t have a chance even if they read and use Hill’s books?
“The issue comes down to the fact that instead of making sales, or getting people to buy, nearly all salespeople are literally selling – and selling is bad news.”
Rumbauskas explains that the problem lies in that word selling – it means an uphill battle of overcoming objections, getting beaten down in price negotiations, and otherwise killing the chances of making a sale at a price and a profit margin that’s fair to the salesperson and his employer.
“My good friend and fellow author Jeffrey Gitomer is famous for his catchphrase, ‘People hate to be sold but they love to buy.’ Well, guess what? It’s true! If salespeople would use their brains – the ‘think’ part of Think and Grow Rich, and learn how to create the circumstances to let people buy, rather than use pushy selling tactics against them, sales professionals as a whole would be infinitely more successful than they are now.”
Rumbauskas says his sales closing rate skyrocketed from 20% to over 80% when he learned and implemented these ideas, yet even today, 20% is still considered good by most corporations. “In my opinion, if you’re only closing 20% of your qualified leads, you need to make major improvements to your sales process.”
To learn more valuable sales tips like these, visit Frank’s website and blog at http://www.nevercoldcall.com