(Newswire.net — June 12, 2013) Tuesday’s kickoff to the Gas & Oil Expo 2013, June 11-13 was a huge success. This Expo is considered one of the top oil and gas shows in Canada. With over 500 oil and gas exhibitors at Stampede Park in Calgary, Alberta there is a lot to take in. With attendees from all across Canada and internationally this is sure to be an event that will be talked about for some time to come.
Attendees have an opportunity to gain information on new technology, products and resources. Many of the exhibitors will offer product demonstrations and brochures. Companies attending include tank manufacturing companies, well service, environmental consultants and many others involved in the oil and gas industry. It’s a great way to gain understanding of how a product or service is used in the oil and gas industry. At the Expo individuals can get answers to concerns right away.
The Gas & Oil Expo offers attendees the opportunity to see what their competition is up to. Business information will be easily accessible. You can learn about your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses. Shopping the competition can help you determine where you need to improve in your own organization.
The opportunity to attend educational conferences put on by industry leaders about current trends and technologies such as the Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE Heavy oil Conference oil sands, production and improving oil recovery in mature oilfields.
Collecting business cards from companies that offer the products and services you are looking for will help your company build strategic alliances and possibly more business opportunities.
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Oilfield Directory has recently released a new oil and gas mobile app for oil workers and their employers. Those looking for oil careers can find oil exploration jobs, oil rig jobs, oil sands jobs and more. Unlike other oilfield jobs boards righelp.com allows employers to post help wanted ads for free. This new No-Leads – No Fee system saves companies hundreds of dollars on staffing fees.
Oil and gas industry mobile apps are the hottest trend for business productivity and marketing. With a team of highly skilled mobile app developers Oilfield Directory can deliver custom apps to meet the needs of oil and gas companies. Their team of experts work closely with each client in order to develop stunning mobile applications.
Media Contact Info:
Oil and Gas Directory – Oilfield Directory Publications
10301 104th Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J-1B9
Phone: 780-701-7282
Author Scott Steele on Google+