(Newswire.net — February 3, 2020) — Kansas City, MO — A new hospital improvement and cost reduction video has been launched by Brady & Associates. They help clients to manage and reduce labor costs and improve organizational design.
Brady & Associates, based in Kansas City, MO, has launched a new video showing how they can help hospitals to immediately reduce their operating costs. They work with clients to manage and reduce labor costs and have over 30 years of experience in the field.
More information can be found at: https://bradyinc.com
The site explains that labor costs are any hospitals largest expense category. However, it’s also the category that’s most within their power to impact and affect.
Brady & Associates has an IMPACT database that contains validated benchmark information from more than 750 hospitals. They can provide IMPACT reviews, which are customized to match the unique needs and characteristics of clients.
With IMPACT, clients are able to develop, calibrate and adjust department level workload based staffing standards.
In addition to this, clients are able to track workload based productivity. This includes the number of hours worked to hours paid, overtime use, and more.
Furthermore, clients are able to identify and prioritize cost reduction opportunities.
The team explains that one of the main issues facing hospitals is that most of the organizations were never designed, they just grew over time.
Issues facing hospitals include the need to effectively plan, direct, organize and control resources. They also need to be able to react quickly if issues or changes occur.
In the newly launched video from Brady & Associates, clients can see the powerful steps that hospitals can take to reduce their operating costs.
It also focuses on the need to reposition the hospital for continued success in the rapidly developing future.
Hospitals are increasingly moving towards the emerging Direct Primary Care field. This is revolutionizing patient care, improving quality while reducing costs.
Brady & Associates states: “To discuss how your hospital or community can move into this emerging new patient care environment, call us at (816) 587-2120 for a no-obligation initial review of options.”
Full details of the new video launch can be found on the URL above.