Kids Books: El Ninjo Knows Reading Short Stories With Moral Saves Doc

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( — March 29th, 2013) Savannah, GA — According to the WHO, close to 30% of Americans have an intestinal health problem.

Recently, celebrity dog El Ninjo who became famous for his Kids Books series called the Fart Book series. His first book of this series is called: “Blaster! Boomer! Slammer! Pooper! Banger!”, has caused a big fuss with the following statement that he used in his Couch Blaster Story: “I guarantee one thing! The couch blaster done on a regular basis is going to spare you the doctor!”

Health experts from around the world do agree that this is one very valuable health tips that is very beneficial for one’s health. If you consider yourself a social farter, you are already benefitting from this healthy truth about farting, but most of the people are not social farters and these people have to change their habits in order to stay healthy.

A lot of people are not social farters, but they do something that is much worse than farting in public. They do not pollute the air with farts, but with unhealthy smoke that they inhale and make non-smokers inhale passively, too!

Like El Ninjo there is another case where a celebrity farter was born over night.

A cute blonde Canadian girl became popular overnight with farts. All of this did not happen too long time ago.

The Canadian fart cult star came out and finally acknowldeged the fact that she just likes to fart in society.

Today, the cute fart girl is probably the most popular social farter in Canada because she recently came out with a fart video in which she openly confesses her social preferences. The preppy young lady speaks very openly about her farting actions in the media.

She says: “I like to fart in society, at parties, in conversations, and on the dance floor.”

If she thinks that a guy is cute, she asks him: “Do you want to go out with me into the open air for a little farting time?”

Like El Ninjo, this little lady wants to put out her message into the public.

She is the main character in a video that was produced in cop-operation with the Canadian Health Department in Ontario.

It has been produced in an effort to go against smokers and to promote a healthy lifestyle without smoking.

The campaign against smoking uses the humor angle. A viewer of the video agrees that he prefers the positive and humorous angle as opposed to the negative and moralizing angle.

He contines: “Facebook has shown to the world that sharing positive things that people like is the more effective way to educate people about new things.

On Facebook it is called like and not hate.”

Like Facebook’s philosophy, The Canadian Health department has chosen the positive angle, too. Maybe they went with the positive approach because of the social network’s success.

One thing is for sure, Mark Zuckerberg is a smart cookie, and he has based his community on a positive ground. Scientists also agree that the positive angle is more effective when it comes to educating and influencing masses of people.

What is the message of the farting lady? She puts it best in her own words: “Smoking in society equates with public farting and this is why the video is so funny and effective in order to keep educating people about their health!”

She continues: “Both activities pollute the air. Smoking in public is accepted, but farting in public is frowned upon.

For me, farting has just a great feel-good effect, and farting is much healthier than smoking. Farting done up to 20 times daily is evidence of a healthy digestive system!”

She laughs and contines: “The fart video is a hit on social networks.” She adds: “It spreads as fast as my intestinal winds. Farting is very healthy as opposed to smoking. According to the World Health Organization about five million people die each year from the effects of active and passive smoking.”

Incidentally, the same fart campaign video includes a clip that shows four hot girls that constantly stick their fingers in the ears to check for earwax.

You do not find that sexy? Well, viewer Alfredo has the following comment about the sexy girl video: “I find that very sexy because the girls are at least conscious about what is going on with their body. On the other hand, smoking is not a sexy act at all. It is gross, it stinks, it is unhealthy, and people are dying from the effects that are caused by smoking. I prefer the sexy girls with the gross-out behavior over a hot looking girl that smokes any time of the day!”

El Ninjo agrees with Alfredo and says: “When I wrote my fart book series, I did not know about this fart video and it did not influence my writing at all, but I totally agree with everything she is doing and saying in order to change people’s habits. Smoking is gross and farting is healthy, and I hope she gets a lot of encouragement to continue blowing out her message to the masses!”

El Ninjo continues: “I am happy that I know about this lady by now and sure hope to be able to meet her some day for a farting duet.”

How did El Ninjo get inspired for his fart stories that he tells in his fart book series?

El Ninjo explains: “For the Couch Blaster story, for example, I got inspired by my Dad. He told me about this story one night when he walked me outside.

He told me that his father who was a very respected doctor during the Second World War in Germany, had some very interesting moralities about farts.

The doctor always kept complaining about his patients who he compared to hypochonders. Most of his patients came to see him in order to check on their health for the most ridiculous reasons. This is how the doctor came up with the saying that farting on a daily basis is a very healthy act and prevents to see the doctor.

I liked this story so much and decided to include it in one of my farting stories. I like to give little tidbits and statements of morality here and there so that the kids get the best benefit out of my books.”

No matter if you look in Canada or Germany or in any other country around the world, the message that visionaries like El Ninjo, the doctor who called his patients hypochonders, and the girl from the video have been trying to put out, stays the same: “Farting is good for you and your health so keep on doing it in order to stay healthy!”

Check out El Ninjo’s Fart Kids Books Series here!

Parents love to buy books that are helpful and beneficial for their kids, and kids like to learn cool things in combination with amazing and gross out stories.

Kids keep learning about their own health in a very positive and effective way because graphical fart stories like this are memorable and stories like this have been proven and tested to be the most effective way to help children learn new and interesting facts.

Consuming stories like this helps their brain retain these facts for a lifetime.

El Ninjo loves to combine these hilarious gross out fart stories with these smart “Einstein tidbids” in order to give kids not only an entertaining time, but to make them Einstein smart at the same time. Kids love to learn and they love to brag about these cool new pieces of knowledge that they are learning during the reading process.

Ask a psychologist, and he or she will tell you that this is the truth. El Ninjo knows about thes psychological principles, and he combines funny with smart instead of insulting kids with poopy stuff that is just stupid because there is no benefit for the kid except to motivate a kid to poop his or her pants and to
make the mother angry.

El Ninjo has talked about this stupid poop effect of kids recently in order to tell parents why poopy fart books are lame and to show them what makes his fart book series stand out and why his fart book series is completely different.

You can read about it here:

El Ninjo has released another volume of his fart book series a few days ago, and he has again choosen the Kindle marketplace where parents can go and get his latest fart book: “44 Totally Gross Out Fart Stories For Boys.”

When asked why he is publishing like a maniac, he says: “I am very concerned about these fart poop books that have recently flooded the marketplace. These annoying poopy fart books are not valuable for the kids who read them. They do not offer any educational value or benefit for the kid. All they do is encouraging the kids to poop their pants.

Parents are finally getting it. Parents are really getting angry about these stupid poop books because most of the kids are copying what they see inside. The kids poop their pants and it is very embarrassing for the parents and at school.

It adds an extra work load and work time for mothers because they have to wash more laundry than ever before.

In some cased the kids even regressed back into a baby age, and they totally forgot about what they learned during potty training. It is a very scary scenario and the reason why I keep publishing my books is to help the parents be able to give their kids some very funny entertainment because kids just love these
gross out fart stories and illustrations, but at the same time my fart books give them some cool tips and nuggets that add lots of educational value to their entertainment time.

Kids who are reading the El Ninjo fart book series are not only entertained, but they are getting smart at the same time and as they LOL!

You can check out 44 Totally Gross Out Fart Stories For Boys here:


If you’d like to get your daily dosis of fart jokes n’quotes plus your free chapter of El Ninjo’s fart book. The free chapter that you are getting is called: “The Hand Stinker”, check it out here!