Kindle Cash Flow Ty Cohen 25-65 Work From Home Entrepreneur Course Launched

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( — February 27, 2020) — A new video training program has been launched called Kindle Cash Flow. It helps anyone to write, publish and sell their ebooks and make money working from home.

A new Kindle publishing and sales training program has been launched by Ty Cohen, an experienced self published author who makes $30,000 per month. Now he’s offering training and guidance to help more people to generate more passive income.

More information can be found at:

Kindle Cash Flow is ideal for males or females aged between 25-65 looking to make more money online. Whether they want to quit their day job and work from home, or plan for retirement, Kindle Cash Flow can help.

Ty Cohen uses a simple three-step process to create, sell and publish ebooks on Amazon. Because Kindle lets him maintain full control, he can get more from the process.

In addition to this, Kindle authors get higher royalties than traditionally published authors. This can be as high as 70%, meaning that authors are able to make more from their work. Ty has the publishing process down to a completer science that anyone can master. Now he’s opening up his results-backed methods to help more people dominate on Amazon.

Publishing Kindle ebooks is an effective and reliable way of making money online. It can be a great way for anyone to transition to a home-based job for any reason. Whether members want to escape the rat race, spend more time with their family, or work for themselves, writing ebooks is a viable option.

There are a number of advantages to working from home, chief among which is a more flexible schedule. Rather than having to be in the office from 9 to 5, Kindle authors can work when they want.

This provides freedom and flexibility that allows them to take full control of their life and finances. Other benefits include getting to work in a custom environment, being able to wear any clothes the entrepreneur wants, and no need to commute.

Ty Cohen states: “With this amazing opportunity, you do not need a website, an email list, a funnel,traffic. Or any of the other stuff that normally comes with online business. Just create the short Word docs and upload them to kindle.”

Full details of the new video training program can be found on the URL above.