(Newswire.net — January 21, 2015) — Comedy is the vehicle that sent Project Highway on a mission: find success stories in all 50 states and inspire others to follow their dreams
While politicians debate the State of the Union, a pair of comedians are diligently visiting every state IN the union as they spend at least one year on the road, working their way across America, one show at a time. Their vision is to meet and interact in a real way with the heart of our nation, people from all walks of life who are working hard and living in pursuit better lives. Through laughter, sarcasm and sharp observations on life, dating and society as well as anecdotes from the road, Mike Motz and Barbara Perez hope to help audiences forget their troubles for a while and poke fun at those human aspects of each of us that are universal.
Barbara Perez explains, “The goal of Project Highway is not just about promoting my comedy. It is about getting people to seek out and enjoy what the small business owner has to offer, all across the country. If people do not start supporting local businesses, they will go away…that would be a shame. Project Highway is about showing examples of the fun and diverse choices people have, all across America, when it comes to anything. Choose to stay in a bed and breakfast instead of a chain hotel. Find a local dive bar and go in and meet the locals; chances are, they will become new friends. Step out of your comfort zone and go support the dreams of others, because every small business out there is the result of someone working on a dream of their own.”
Perez is originally from Denver, Colorado’s old “Northside” neighborhood; Motz hails from New Jersey. Neither likes sharing power. Living in a minivan on the road as they work their way from town to town isn’t easy. All of the video footage from every performance is edited, formatted and uploaded to their website and YouTube channel while travelling, and they do all the work themselves; a monumental task. They are committed to performing primarily in towns of less than 35,000 residents, and in venues that are locally owned and operated. People contribute to their GoFundMe.org site in increments that buy a tank of gas or a hot meal for the pair. Businesses can sign up to support Project Highway with goods or services. In true vaudeville tradition, if they don’t perform, they don’t move on.
Surviving on your talent isn’t easy, but the personal rewards are amazing. “If you truly believe you are good enough to take on whatever challenge doing what you love brings to the table, then do it. No one else has to think so, you alone are enough to make it happen,” Perez states. So far, the experiment is working. The spirited duo has visited 40 states so far; Alaska and Hawaii may be a bit harder. “You can’t drive to Hawaii,” Motz has been heard to say, laughingly.
The comedy team will be staying and performing in the New Jersey and New York area for the next few weeks, as they gear up for the last leg of the initial tour. Show and booking information can be found at www.projecthighway.net.
Project Highway: Part Comedy, Part Social Experiment, All Real.