(Newswire.net — February 10, 2016) Blacksburg, VA — Denver, CO – SynerVision Leadership offers the Empowerment Symposium: Leadership Systems, Skills, and Strategies for Executives on February 24, 2016 at Better Business Bureau, 3801 East Florida Avenue #350, Denver, CO 80210
Unique, One-of-a-Kind Program
Hugh Ballou, known as The Transformational Leadership StrategistTM, will offer his proprietary leadership methodology for social entrepreneurs to leaders in Denver. This methodology uniquely integrates strategy with performance such as the musical conductor leads orchestras in performances empowering great music making from notes on paper to a stellar performance. Ballou’s systems have been developed in 40+ years as musical conductor and 30+ years in working in the trenches with social entrepreneurs leading businesses, local and international charities, churches and synagogues, and other types of enterprise. His mantra is to step out of the training and systems that we have inherited and to develop a transformational style of leading high performance teams.
As reported by Forbes, What a Musical Conductor Knows About Leadership, Ballou’s unique methodology utliizes the skills used by the musical conductor daily in creating a high performance culture that respondes to the leader just as a skilled orchestra or choir responds to every nuance of the conductor. His leadership programs transpose these unique skills into systems and structures utilized by his clients on 4 continents and around the US.
This one-day intensive session will be held at and sponsored by the Denver Better Business Bureau located at 3801 East Florida Avenue #350, Denver, CO 80210 beginning at 8:30 and ending at 4:30. Participants will receive a workbook with 25 modules for leadership, planning, team development, agreements, conflict management, and stress management topics among other useful and practical tools and systems – Ballou’s proven systems and strategies. In addition, each participant will receive a full year’s membership to the SynerVision Leadership Foundation’s Community for Community Builders providing ongoing learning and support.
The Leadership Empowerment Symposium is a one-day intensive for business leaders, nonprofit Executive Directors, Board Chairs, Pastors, Rabbis, and other leaders who are social entrepreneurs. This session is designed to present the aspects of Transformational Leadership as a skill set as well as a system. According to Hugh Ballou, “Leadership is a culture and not a training program”.
Ballou is known as ‘The Transformational Leadership StrategistTM’ and will be presenting the program. He has developed and extensive body of content based on his 40 years working as a musical conductor and applying the leadership skills of the conductor to organizational leadership, culture development, board development and personal leadership skills. In his work with entrepreneurs for 30+ years applying his unique transformational leadership concepts, he has developed comprehensive systems and strategies for empowering leaders transforming organizations. Ballou has developed a proprietary program that uncovers the missing elements of traditional leadership methodologies. This one-day intensive session is presented by SynerVision® Leadership Foundation.
His online training programs, leadership magazine Nonprofit Professional Performance 360 Magazine, online “Community for Community Builders”, and keynote presentations have influenced leaders around the globe.
Having developed the methodology, Ballou is sharing the leadership system with social entrepreneurs leaders in 16 cities in the last 7 months with rave reviews. Ballou says the session will be interactive and will include leadership skills development, board and staff capacity building, conflict management systems, problem solving that will “address actual issues of participants”.
The session will go from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Prices for the one-day session are $150 to $500 depending on the level of ongoing support selected by the attendee. More information can be found at http://synervisionleadership.org/events/workshop-denver/
About SynerVision Leadership
Guiding the life-changing, life-saving global impact of nonprofit organizations of all types. Mission SynerVision Leadership Foundation empowers nonprofit organizations, including religious and education institutions, to move beyond maintenance thinking to success mentality, such that their mission and impact is greatly magnified. This will be accomplished by transforming the culture by developing leaders, engaging members as stakeholders, and guiding organizations from their existing to their envisioned cultures.
SynerVision Leadership
1224 Burley LaneBlacksburg, VA 24060
United States