(Newswire.net — March 21, 2013) Hamburg, Germany — Jared Falk’s Drumeo.com offers a multiple of training packs and an army of qualified instructors for online lessons. From the Cobus Method of drumming completely by ear to the Rudiment System of learning the 40 letters or patterns of the drumming alphabet, Drumeo.com has it all for beginners, intermediate and even advanced level drummers.This is an encyclopedic, totally comprehensive program that is easily tailored to any skill level and all age groups.
Drumeo.com offers products including: bass drum secrets, jazz, rock, and Latin drumming, as well as Moeller Method Secrets. Whatever learning style or music style you desire; Drumeo.com is your drum education online source for instruction products. Drumeo.com offers bundles of various products and training packs. These training packs contain hours of video, DVD, books, on-screen and physical sheet music, instructional tipsd and secrets from over 20 professionals. Videos are offered in both multi-angle and slow motion formats to enable easy learning of new methods and techniques.
One of the more popular training packs offered by Drumeo.com is the Cobus Method. This package include 15 training DVDs. This method keeps you motivated by allowing a drummer to dump the sheet music and boring, complex music theory so the student can learn through a completely organic approach of learning by ear. The Cobus is a complete system of step-by-step lessons. Cobus teaches many fun and useful modules such as: Epic Ear Training, Learning How to Write with a Band and his Beat Shizzle System.
At Drumeo.com aspiring drummers will also find the Drum Rudiment System where drum master, Lionel Duperron plays and instructs students in the 40 drum rudiments. His powerful instruction will allow you to unlock the full potential of all 40 drum rudiments and revolutionize your artistic expression by expanding your skills and mastering the 120 hybrid rudiments of drumming. This module also includes tips on converting your hobby into a paycheck and expanding your opportunities to grow and develop as a drummer. All products are jam-packed with hours of digital video content that are both instructional and entertaining.
No otherorganization or websitegives aspiring student drummers the scope of instructional support, drumming techniques,and digitally mastered products that Drumeo.com offers. Their Cobus Method training pack is one of the most remarkable, sought after,and revolutionizing tools in the field of online drum education. For amazing lessons and results as well asimproved drum creativity try Drumeo’s Edge Membership including broadcasts of new lessons daily or their value-added product bundles.